My moleskines are me. My memory is so bad. So a few years ago, while I was blogging I thought to myself I need to write all this down on paper too. I needed a place. Then my friend Sarah brought me my first as a present. Ever since then, carrying a moleskine around with me has been normal. It's always with me. Its ready for me to write everything down. When I look back through them, words, photos, notes, items, bring back the actual memories. I need things to trigger the memories. That's why I take photos of everything, I am just so scared of forgetting. I think that's why Instagram is a love of mine. It's so easy to document things that happen. Re-reading these moleskines can be quite hard. Lots of things have changed, adventures have been had, and new people have been met. I hope I can continue to carry my moleskine with me, and document everything.
Your instagrams are inspiring and the fact that you keep a moleskine has encouraged me to do the same.
Love you, dear.
My journals are so so so much uglier than yours, Nicola. YOU ARE SO COOL AND I LOVE YOUR HANDWRITING.
I love looking into someone else's sketchbook/journal as it feels like such a personal thing! Thank you for this post. Very inspiring :)
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