Sunday, 12 January 2014

With you

So I have drank millions of cups of tea recently. Whether it's at home, work, in cute tearooms or David's mum feeding me lots of cups. Tea is calling me. I guess it's partly because of the English inside of me. I remember when I was in America in the summer, and I craved tea like crazy. So making tea for my American friends meant I could get a perfect cup. And that cup was good. I remember the colour. Mmmmm.
Went to the cutest tearoom with David and my parents. They had the best teacups. I think the place was haunted. I liked that. Creaky old place.
It's been quite cold recently. Wrap up warm kinda weather. And I seem to keep going out in the cold. Only problem is, the wind can give me a super headache. So wrapping up with my giant bobble scarf is the way to go.
I love being by the sea now. Even though it's so cold, it makes me feel so alive. Going on walks, hand in hand, hair blowing in the wind, taking photos, and seeing birds with a giant piece of ham on the beach (don't ask, we don't even understand it) today was lovely.


Natalie said...

*my emotions*

I actually cannot.


lina said...

you two are sooo cute!!! nicola!!!

Lizzie said...

To quote you, this looks mega awesome.

I love you.