Friday, 16 May 2008

3D doodle set???....not

Had a boring day of work today. Handed in my research p today, so thats it for my work this year. I need to start next project very soon. I met my group for group project work and we got loads done today, so that was good.
After everyone went home it was nice not to have anything really to do, just to chill out. I got myself a 3D doodle kit the other week and i now had some time to try it out...however, it really doesnt work!! the red pencil is way tooo light, and doesnt work well...i was starting to think it might have been a joke set. I kept trying, it just did not look right.

I gave up in the end, and got my 3D glasses necklace (a gift from friends for my birthday) out. I was very sad that the kit did not work well.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! I am so jealous of that 3D kit. That's sad that is doesn't work :(

hayleeey said...

This is a sad comment, but i just noticed this, you're a leftie! Oh yes, *safe do the touching knuckle thing* creative lefties.