Tuesday, 2 September 2008

nerd guys? yes please!

right this very moment i am watching, or listening to the big bang theory. i found a tape, which my dad was so kind enough to tape a few episodes for me as i love it so much! i would marry anyone of those cute geeky guys. this show really makes me wanna live in a flat across the hall from comic book reading, computer game playing, cute nerds. im in love with guys that know their comics and sci-fi stuff. (big bang pictures found from google)today i found my 'paint your own' piggy bank i got such a long time ago. i also brought these for some of my friends as i think they are fun gifts, and every ones will be different. i have never really known what to/and how to paint it. hmmmm...any ideas anybody?? well so far i have used my ribbon from the last post to brighten he/she up...not sure what to do next.....because i cannot decide what to do with my piggy bank...i am starting to think about one little book that i own. little miss fickle. basically little miss fickle can never make up her mind, and is always changing it. that is me!!had a normal day at work today. and i am looking forward to a few days off. plus i get paid on Friday!! yay yay, i cannot wait!! :)


Jane said...

if you mean you don't know what to paint it with, you need to buy some paint that's used to paint cups and such I don't know what it's called.
Oh I am so like little miss fickle as well ah gosh

Anonymous said...

The paint-you-own-piggy is cute, and a great pig. I'm sorry I don't have any suggestions for your piggy, but it looks nice with the ribbon, though.

Vi said...

That paint-your-own-piggy is one of the most adorable things I've ever laid my eyes on. The ribbon is a good start, it makes it cute, without being permenant.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

You can draw on the piggy with a paint pen or even a sharpie... Maybe dress it up like Fifi Lapin?

yiqin; said...

I used to have something for nerds actually. & I love the piggy!

Joel_lover said...

You know, I actually quite like it plain just with that ribbon on in a way. It reminds me of those old Ikea horse things they used to make? Which were patterned to look like cows or other animals? I may have imagined those, but they were damn cool anyway. You could get the pig to look like something it really isn't. You could use whiteboard pens I suppose so it wasn't permanent?I agree on the nerd thing too...

hayleeey said...

I have a weird love for - oh, i cant remember his name so i'll describe his hair to you - the dude with the Beatles-esque hair :)

I should've said it a while ago, but im in love with your blog song - Apples and Pairs, im going to try and download it now if i can!!!!

hayleeey said...

Ah hang on, the band have no label. Brilliant song though.

Lauren said...

i have never seen that show but it looks funny!

steffie said...

you've a sweet computer-background!