Sunday, 8 November 2009


ah super random weekend, filled with random chats, sad chats, funny chats, heart-felt chats, drunken chats, friend chats, walking through a scary wood chat, email chats, and facebook chats. well apart from that, just getting ready for my new job title at work...and tomorrow will be the start of it...scary stuff. i am a little worried..will i do ok? will i be able to live up to the expectations? ah man...worry worry.


lina said...

awesome cookie cutters! & i love your photo : )
you will absolutely be fine at your new position. you will rock it!

Lemon said...

MY weekend was full of chats too. (late-night ones). my last post was on that kinda. odd huh?

Unknown said...

awhh nicole! i heart you too *hugs*
and i'm curious how many cute stuff you really have. cause they seems endless haha

Lemon said...

p.s. i've passed on a little-award to you! Happy Monday ;)

erin meagan said...

those cookie cutters are amazing! i also had a random weekend, I had a conversation with a boy named Random. i am one hundred percent serious. i love chats.

you will be able to live up to the expectations.

Becky Tjandera said...

oh i'm sorry for the late reply too ! i'm sometimes lazy to do blogging haha . and yup twilight is so phenomenal i just can't stop reading it over and over again . haha . can't wait for new moon !

and don't worry dear ! you can do it ! good luck ! :D

Kait said...

Scary woods are great, only if you have a friendly hand to hold! Sounds like you had a great weekend : ) Don't be too anxious about your new job title just relax, stay level headed and be Nicola. That is a guaranteed formula for success of epic proportions!

<3 x a trillion.

Ada Beth Croft said...

Those cookie cutters reminded me of these farm animal rubber bands I have. They are rubber bands shaped like farm animals, and you can stretch them all you want and they keep their shape! I don't know why I brought that up. Haha(:


une petite said...

love the dinosaurs cookie cutters !!

and love your blog !!

petites curiosités

Anonymous said...

i love the music on ur site

Katie-Jane said...

Tagged you! :)