Wednesday, 23 February 2011

trip to the seaside

i went on a little trip at the weekend. i went to Brighton for my friend Mandy's birthday. i met up with friends from uni as well. it was a lovely trip, and it was nice to hang out, laugh, and share stories about were we are in our lives at the the whole work/guys/what the hell are you gonna do with your life?, kinda talks.we went for lunch, coffee, shopping, went out in the evening for drinks and a little dance, and late night chats, which included Mandy's crazy cat scaring everyone.
so work wise, i feel like i have alot more to do now, the pressure still feels like its there, but hopefully its getting better, which then makes me feel better and less stressed. i am currently planning lots of trips to happen this year and next, which is making me smile, and keeping me going.
also----Coldplay are going to be doing the Saturday night slot at Glastonbury! i cannot wait to be sat on the hill singing at the top of my voice, and listening to everyone around me sing as well. bring it on, i cannot wait for June.


Anonymous said...

I love brighton!! (I swear all I do there is eat food though, like non-stop!) Jealous you're going Glastonbury! xx

lina said...

wow really about coldplay?! how awesome nicola!!
gosh what an amazing trip you had! i need one of those. & totally know what you mean about "what am i going to do with my life" stuff. gosh.
i'm glad work is getting a little better. i'm glad you took this little adventure : )

Francie. said...

(aloha, nice to meet you by the way..)

anyway more importantly, 3 things.

sounds like you had a heaps busy weekend, love the song on your blog, and i have a diana too! how absolutely awesome are they!

Brianna said...

nylon and rainbow twizzlers is a good combo :)
