today has been a funny old day. my head seems to be up in the clouds at the moment, not really thinking about anything to much...i am not sure if that is a good thing. lots of really random and weird things have been happening to me lately....its kinda odd and its kinda neat. its been such a wonderful day today, lovely and sunny...and i spent all day at work. blah! normally i would start at 7 and then be out by lunch time. today i started at 11ish and didn't get out until 6. it was a lovely evening out on the way home, so i did get to enjoy some of the sun.
i am now off to write fan letters to Matt smith and Karen gillan...like you do! :)

I loved Charlie Bartlett :) Good movie!
Doctor Who starts here in a month or so I think but you have to be subscribing to BBC America and we don't :( so I have to wait until it reaches it's dvd release here in the states! ahhh!
Ok Nicola I pose a question to you. Amy Pond... switched her name... what if in fact she is River from Silence in the Library? And that the guy she is going to marry is the Doctor?
-Jordan M. Williams
your life seems quite pleasant, i like it.
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