so the the weekend just gone was awesome. i went to my convention, and Karen Gillan was there. I GOT TO MEET KAREN. BEST DAY EVER. i got the train super duper early on Saturday morning, and there was still a giant queue outside. so many people were there this year...it was packed inside. so i had a photo shoot with Karen, and she was so lovely. i got to touch her hair, and have a little half hug..it was fab. i was really worried i wouldn't get to meet her and get her autograph as i had a high number, although some people had tickets into the 1,000, and mine was 588. went to a question and answer talk with her which was really nice, people asking for hug, giving her beautiful gifts, asking silly but funny question, one person asked her to sing and she treated us to a little bit of California girls. i met the cutest and coolest girls in Karen's talk. i sat next to them, and they were so lovely. i saw them later on in the day and we sat and had a little chat. they were so exited like me to meet Karen, we exchanged names and stuff so hopefully i will see them again next year.

while i was talking to them the second time round, my dad and my friend
sarah started shouting at me, hurry its our number now! (you have to get a number ticket for when you can go up and meet her and get her autograph)...quick hugs and then i ran in to meet her. she was so nice. i can't really remember what i said as its all of a blur, but i told her that she was awesome, and i that it was lovely to meet her. she said thank you, and that it was lovely to meet me too. my dad had a little chat with her about how good she is doing in the show (hes a loyal doctor who fan, watched it from the start, as he like to remind me)..although, i think she might be leaving...i have this funny feeling. best day ever.

i got some awesome stuff as well as my Karen auto, that i will treasure forever, as you can see, i brought a frame while up there, plus my cute 'bow ties are cool' mug.

also, i got some cute mail from
amy...which was awesome. i will be writing back very soon. ps, i love the dalek drawing Amy!!!