ok, so anyway day goes on (no work today, day off), i then check this forum thingy to see if there are any updates on my convention in October, to then read a post that said a HUGE guest would be announced tonight at 7pm...the words huge were in caps and were in bold, so i knew this was gonna be big. so many ideas, and rumours had been going around in my head. there had been alot said about a giant doctor who guest, like Billie, or Christopher, or David or Matt. anyway day goes on, head doesn't get better even though i have taken medicine.
i sorted my phone out so i can get email on it, because i was getting fed up of keep logging in and checking to see if i got my pottermore email. and then it happened. there was a beep noise on my phone, and i thought to myself for a spilt second "that's my pottermore email"...and then thought, "nah, its not", so went back to doing what i was doing. about 32mins later, i checked my email to find i did in fact have my pottermore email. then i ran to the computer, logged on...and wow...pottermore is so pretty. got my wand. got a house. i was super scared about being sorted after J.K.Rowling talks to you about it. but i ended up being ravenclaw. i kinda love it. its perfect.

i have to go.
i just have to.
his autograph is like £45...i think that's far too much. I would rather spend £35 on a photo shoot (which i have), plus i already have his autograph, and at least i get to meet him..and touch him..maybe get a hug. to be honest, i feel like crying a little. its insane. i am so sorry about this stupid post.
also..i still have a headache.
I'm in Ravenclaw as well! I'm DragonAuror4 if you want to add me!
Sorry about your massive headache... I hope it's not anything too serious.
OMG DAVID TENNANT IS THE BEST. PLLLEEAAASEEEE post pictures when you meet him!
i have a crazy heachache too for some reason,and i never get them. and you absolutely have to go! no exceptions!
Your comment on my blog made me smile really big, and then I accidentally hit delete instead of publish, so I had to copy and paste it from the e-mail and post it myself, haha. <3
I am very sorry that you and your parents have had headaches all day. :(
BUT HOORAY for your Pottermore e-mail and DAVID TENNANT. I would definitely go both days regardless of cost if I were you.
AND HOORAY FOR RAVENCLAW. Now let's see if I ever get my e-mail and if I am in Ravenclaw like I hope I am. That's three of the blogging family in Ravenclaw. AH THE ANXIETY.
Any day that starts out with a headache doesn't usually turn out to be a particularly good one...
I am so excited for you to meet David Tennant! Ah! TAKE A MILLION ZILLION PICTURES.
Hope you feel better soooon!! :)
and omg david tennant!! xxxx
Awsome, I hope you are feeling better soon :)
That's a brilliant guest. I hope your headache's now gone lovely, I hate not knowing what the cause of stuff is. x hivenn
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