1) TWILIGHT- Man alive, i am mega involved in this. still reading the 3rd book, i have not found the time since i have been back at uni, but i will push on. i was so excited to see posters, signs and a massive cut out of the cast..i am tempted to get my friend to take a photo of me with Robert! he he.

2)ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT- All i seem to be doing is coming in from uni, or anywhere, switching the telly on, and playing Arrested Development. It is on constant replay over and over and over again..i seem to be watching the same disc like 3 times before i think, right i need to change it. i must have watched all 3 series in the space of a few days.

and last but by no means least...ah ROBERT PATTINSON- I can't really say anything else than..brilliant. oh and maybe the fact i am in love with his hair. :)

oh, its okay dear! no worries!
and GOSH i just love the abundance of robert in this post. he is the perfect edward. ahhh love him. and i havent seen that still from the movie yet- so cool! that must be the lovely resturaunt scene in the beginning. ahhh. i cant WAIT for the movie!
wow i'm glad i came across your blog it's full of some pretty neat things, and i like your header with the tic tacs :)
that toy idea is so strange
but interesting
ah i saw the preview for twilight in the movies this past weekend and SCREAMED - for real! i cannot get over his brooding hotness :D
thanks for the award :) it really is the best compliment ever - thank you!
I haven't read the series and I'm actually not planning to... but I sure wanna watch the movie, Robert's cute and I like his acting (and british accent, of course).
your posts always me smile :)
I haven't seen any of the twilight stuff (or read the books) but it looks pretty cool - Robert is quite an attractive young man!
And Kent Rogowwski's work is so brilliant and unique!
Ah everybody is talking about Twilight right now. I know hes hot. But is the movie/book that good?
you are crazily obsessed with him. let's watch harry potter four. and you can awe over him and i can smile over the magic.
Robert is beautiful, I must see the film, I'm quite rubbish at reading books these days.
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