oh i decided to wear my very cute necklace i got a couple of weeks ago. its so sweet. the guy who makes these is so nice i love it! .i went to London on Monday and looked at art. i love going to visit art galleries..it makes me smile..and feel very arty. today i had another booster workshop, which is a workshop with a theme, my one is about using found objects and thinking about landscapes. within my work i am thinking about creating odd animals and the 'lands' or 'worlds' they may come from. i created one little world today. i have made quite a few now, this is one of them;

Once you have finished the Twilight Saga I would highly recommend The Host, by Stephenie Meyer as well. It's really good. :]
I am glad I make you smile :)
and I absolutley adore that necklace!
ECLIPSE! wooot wooot! :)
yes, it is so hard to find time these days!
i love your little 'world'. I wish I was that creative!
is it possible to be in love with a deer?
i think i want him in my bedroom! please? he would like it on my windowsill.
I have the whole Twilight saga and read them all within two weeks! Im re-reading them again and am New Moon :)
You should know by now that i LOVE your work!
I saw the picture of Gemma A dripped in oil on the bed, WOW, i would go see it but i still need to see Casino Royale!
that's a great idea with the strange worlds and animals
Oh, you have a Labbit! I want one!
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