i am trying to make something...but i have just got the materials. anyway...the sky again...i couldn't not take a photo of the sky today. i decided to take more because of my last post. i can't help it.

you know when you get these wonderful presents for christmas, and you end up having a little mini pile in your room..and you don't wanna take the items away from each other because that kinda means christmas is over...well i started today sorting them out. looking at what i had got and trying to find place for in my room. books and dvds went easily on my shelves, but i ended up playing around with my labbit for a bit.

a few presents i got for christmas included a couple of beautiful necklaces i got from my grandparents. they are simply wonderful. one of them is a small mark pawson, reversible necklace. its so sweet, it balances life and art together, as it should be. and the other necklace they got me was Pegasus' wings necklace.

other gifts included; an odd star wars lego pen and 'mr toast' from my sister.

and finally the 11th doctor was revelved the other night! matt smith will be taking over from david tennant!! i will be so sad to see david tennant leave, as i love him so much. however i do think the bbc have made a good choice! i really wanted someone younger and kinda unknown to take over. plus he has amazing hair! i can't wait to see what he will be like.

oh i have also been tagged by beautiful
Micaela to write 6 things that make me happy: i have done this before, so i am going to do what is making me happy at the moment...
1. reading
2. pepsi-max
3. alice-bands
4. new p.j's
5. hanging out with my grandparents
6. board games
....and now i tag anyone who has not been able to do this tag!! :) enjoy!!!
i absolutely ADORE that reversable necklace! it's just so great! i also do enjoy taking pictures of the sky, though i really don't know why(hey! that rhymed!)
Ah I love that necklace too! So awesome. Is that polka dot fabric?! can't wait to see what you come out wit!
was that Breaking Dawn?
I LOVE THE ART/LIFE NECKLACE! :) it's beautiful!
You got so many cute presents. I know what you mean about separating things, and the decorations come down tomorrow. I think christmas went far too quickly. I <3 new pjs too.
I also pile up presents together :)
The Life/Art necklace is super cool.
I also like that bunny you're drawing! :O
I'm still gutted about David leaving Doctor Who. so sad.
hallo! you got so many wonderful presents.. lucky you! beautiful pictures and i love your drawings. i adore you.
THOSE NECKLACES! you kill me.
I love mr. toast ;)
ooh polka dots! :)
**sigh*** robert pattinson!
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