so today started off with me getting out of bed at 8.45am. getting dressed, trying to sort out my hair---i have really bad bed hair in the morning...does that mean i sleep well..or not? anyway, went downstairs and grabbed the sunday paper, got up to date with the days news, eat some frosted cereal of some sort, went to work. then we had a group team brief at the start of the working day. got on to the subject of a dictaphone...one of my colleagues didn't know what that was. i made the stupid mistake of saying something like, 'ah you know, 'captain's log..stardate...'' before i could even finish i had loads of people starring at me, and a couple of nerdy guys laughing...man, i am an idiot.
work went quite fast...and before i knew it i looked down at my watch, (which has now been replaced with a new one...a star wars lego watch) to see that it was time to go.
-------------------------i had an odd dream about a guy i work with last night. its really hard to remember, but i felt really kinda..in love...and happy. weird.

you guys are awesome. love you all. xx