had a rather weird day today. the weather has been horrible!! raining all day, and night long!! and its still raining now! so the weather did not put me in a good mood today. anyway, after work i came home and chilled out with my parents and sister. later on, i started to sort some bits and pieces out as i am trying to get rid of lots of bit and pieces that i do not need anymore. and i was very happy to come across a few things i have not seen in quite sometime. i found my biscuit necklace which i made last year, which i have been looking for!! i always seem to find things when i am not looking for them. :) i love my biscuit necklace! it is a biscuit with a hole cut through, and then covered in glue..so simple, and it looks kinda odd, which i like.

i also found my really cool white bracelet. it so pretty. i thought i had lost this!

also today i found these; tucked away in my bookcase. they are air sickness bags from when i went to Florida a few years ago. they are have artwork on, which made me want to collect them! i never needed to use any on them on the plane, but ended up walking around the plane trying to find as many different ones as i could. these are just a few of my favourite ones that i got. don't you just think that they like the coolest things ever!! i love finding bits of art everywhere, and the stranger the better!! :)

that's so cool! I've never seen art on barf bags before. I also love the biscuit necklace! my good friend has a plastic one with a bite out of it. It has fake jam sandwiched in the middle of two flat biscuits. It's really neat.
link me, please.
and of course i will do the same.
p.s. don't get thrown off by the taky name
p.p.s love your blog.
Cool pics. And that biscuit necklace is amazing, and it hasn't disintegrated! Cute!
I love the biscuit necklace and that white bracelet!
I remember reading an article about those sick bags in a magazine (maybe Surface?) and I thought it was the coolest idea - the designs are unreal :D
thank you very much! i love your new posts! x
I am going to make more. I am making them to sell! :p anyways, if you're interested it's about 10-15cm big and $11(AUS) (postage included)
thanks for your comment (:
i like that biscuit necklace,
and also the other pics.
Those bags are amazing, especially considering what they are! I really like the bracelet too.
I love the necklace.does it go bad like attract bugs while your wearing it?
it was really rainy where i was too! i had went out when it was still pretty light (in flip flops, cause i'm stupid) and came home at 7 soaked.
that biscuit necklace is pretty cool, hope the mice don't find it!
Genious biscuit necklace! The bracelet is nice too. Wow, cool sickness bags. I think more plains should have that, it'll probably make people try harder not to throw up.
the biscuit necklace is sort of cute!
i really love that cooki necklace! thats fantastic!
maybe im going to copy your idea ;9
but i think im too lazy and too clumsy to do things liek that Xd
love, alice.
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