ah i am back from my week days away..and it was lovely. peace and quiet...a chance to chill out....and get a cold! oh well i still had a wonderful time. i don't think i have laughed quite as much as i did in just those days. i had lots of laughs with my father, mother and sister. it was really nice being in the outdoors, surrounded by nature. and we had very cute animals coming up to our Villa everyday..cute squirrels, ducks, rabbits and even a very young deer.

it was so refreshing being in the woods, or "being back with nature". it was wonderful walking up in the morning listening to the birds singing, and squirrels running across the roof, eating breakfast looking out at the woods with the sun shining, taking the 10min walk into the village square to go swimming, go shopping to pick up food and gift for friends, or even for a coffee or a pancake. it just felt really nice to relax and take things easy.

one really cool thing that me and my sister loved, was the Sherbet machine!! in this amazing sweet shop you got little tubes and filled it up with different types/flavours of sherbet; including cranberry, strawberry, orange, cola, bubblegum, lime, peach and so many more..and they looked so pretty, and very yummy too.

That is the coolest thing ever, the sherbet machine!!!
Lovely pics too. Mmm. Nature.
re: oh, thank you very much... you just made me very happy =)
Aww, thanks for the sweet comment! =]
I LOVEEE sherbet. Yum. I want a machine asap!
I love these pics - i wish I could escape into the woods too :)
sounds cool, i love the woods, unfourtunetly, "they" put up a fence around the woods on campus, now, i can't go and frolic among the woodland animals preteding to be snow white and all my frinds are the seven dwarfs. (becase im mean like that.)
peace, love, and woodland creatures,
- Elisabeth Moody
nice visuals...can somehow smaell the fresh air...loving all the greens/nature & colors in general... Just posted 'color' theme in my blog...hope to hear fm you & tell me what you think ok...
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