yay i saw Nick and Norah the other night!! ah now they did mess around with the book. well i know its only based on it...however it was still a good fun filled movie. with laughs and great music.
at the moment i am reading Yes Man, by Danny Wallace, he is AMAZING. i love him so much at the moment. he is so funny, and has an amazing way with words and how he writes. i love the book, because it is about him and its set in London. its a must read. i wanted to read it before i saw the film, but i didn't get round to it. i am in love with danny at the moment. :)

also at the moment i am wishing for a pen pal. my friend has the most amazing pen friends ever! i am very jealous. it must be fab to write to someone like that, and always looking forward to their reply! :)
oh my darling
thankyou so much for your comment
but I am rather sad actually.
I might not get into the full time art course that I wanted to, because it's full. And I thought I was already in..it's all very confusing, but if I won't get into that one I will still (hopefully) get into the part time course. But it was just not my first choice and It doesn't make me feel good at all.
I used to have a pen pal but I think she is too busy now to write,if you like I can be your pen friend :)
We have snow too. It's glorious! It makes me feel all childlike again. Haha, I was just looking at your photo of the Lucky Charms and laughing, because my sister's boyfriend recently brought us a box back and I took a picture of mine in a bowl too. It's nice that someone else appreciates the amazingness of Lucky Charms.
Aw I want to read Yes man too!
Everyone says it is such a good movie, but I always prefer to read the book!
Thank you for your lovely comment!
Thanks for your comments...
I´m really happy that I finally have a polaroid.... :D
Your blog is really lovely.... :)
See you.
thank you so much honey!
love your photos too - I want/need that cereal!
Your rabbit looks amazing--slightly dark and cool. I still really want to see "nick and nora"...the title characters have the same name as those in "The Thin Man" an old black and white movie series.
so how do we start pen-paling?
You can send me your address to my email- jane.savelyeva@yahoo.com.au
mmm lucky charms <3
i love nick & norah's infinite playlist, my mum bought me the book the other day (:
ooo! lucky charms:] that's so sad that they don't sell them where you live!
& nick & norah! i want to see it mucho! it looks really cute.
school is good thanks for asking:]
can't wait for your next genius post! happy posting:D
Oh my gosh,
I love Lucky Charms! haha. I used to eat it for breakfast every morning when I was younger. I adore your little rabbit, dear.
Hope you are well!
i wanted to see yes man, but alas, i didn't. i never knew that it was a book (but then again, all movies either originate from books or plays). it sounds pretty good.
ahhh lucky charms are the BEST!!
i have penpals, they're great. i have one in California, one in Germany, and one in Malaysia. (and also an email friend in London.)
i like corresponding with another part of the world. it makes me feel more integrated.
i would say I would be your pen friend, but it's not as fun once you already know the person online, cause you can just email which takes the fun out.
i love getting letters. it makes me sad that everyone now doesn't send them anymore.
i feel kind of weird leaving my address on here though. whats your email? :]
The rabbit is really cute, you should get a great grade on it. When I was little lucky charms was my sister's favorite cereal, I would always get a bowl of it and eat it dry..well only eat the marshmallows.
I saw Nick and Nora's infinite play list and loved it.
sorry I haven't been commenting in a while!
hello my darling~
what funkiness you post on your blog
I forensically guess you are British by 1. obvious Sky dishes on the back walls in that photo
2. spelling "favourite" with a U...
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