so i am back home in my little town, away from noise, uni, lots of people. when i get home from uni, i know that i am home...but i don't feel i am home anymore...i am not sure where i belong now. don't get me wrong, i am welcomed back by family and friends who are so happy to see me..but i just have the feeling because i am away at uni for long periods of time..the idea of home is sipping away..and its not my home anymore...well not until summer when i come home for good.

now i was happy to be going home for the Easter holidays..however now i am back i am not sure. its a weird thing..when you don't have something you miss it so much...but when you do have it..you long for a difference. i know its silly...but knowing i only have a couple of months left living away from home at uni, living with my flatmates-my best friends that i have only known just under 3 years-who i now believe to be life long friends, living in a city, being able to do what i want, go wherever i want...and that will all soon disapear..forever..it makes me sad. and i don't want to lose it all just yet.
so home! well mum has finally chosen a wallpaper for the living room, its on one wall, and i love it so much. its beautiful.

i went to a boot sale today..eek, its good to be back looking through junk and looking for beautiful finds. i found an old doctor's bag (i need to give it a good clean before i take a good photo), some old photos, a child's letter to their parents, an old pop up Christmas card, and a beautiful bird pin. i think i am going to start collecting broaches, i think i have fallen in love with them.

aw...Thank you for your comments dear! I appreciate it. For once,someone likes a picture I actually took. ^^ And don't expect those to be the last either... I may tag you. :P
that wallpaper is glorious, i just love it!
That letter is so cool, its so interesting to have stuff like that!
take care,
erin meagan
i kinda know what you mean about home. even though i come home almost every weekend, half of my life & things are in the town of my university & half are at my parent's house... sometimes i feel caught in the middle.
nice finds! i love that bird pin!
oh & tell your mom good choice in wallpaper! it's exquisite!
until next time...:]
oh & i'm mailing your package tomorrow!!
yes, i love america's next top model! i think britain has one too, but i've never seen it.
i'm wrapping up your package, i'm still looking for the perfect thing to put inside though!!
hello :)
thank you so much for your comment!! the artist is Julie Arkell, and i have a complete obsession with her!! you can find pictures of her work online but she doesnt have a website or anything which makes it a bit difficult to keep up with her, but there is a website that sells some of her work (www.earthangelstoys.com) where i brought one of her brooches :)
that wallpaper is gorgeous!!!! my mother is shopping for some at the moment too, and i am getting into interior design a lot!! i cannot wait to be home for easter.
your boot sale finds are so lovely!! i love going to boot sales and fairs and charity shops to find beautiful things with lots of history, although i dont think i have ever seen anything as adorable as that letter!! how wonderful and cute. and that brooch is beautiful :)
i hope you have lots of fun at home!!
I totally understand what you mean about home... when I go away in the summer I miss it so bad but when I come back I remember how it really isn't as great as I made it out to be!
I like that recycling magnet, it's so very cute. I also love the brooch. I collect them too :)
I am in love with those pins...!
Don't worry. I felt like that too. I think it's a case of having home cooked meals as well as always having someone there to look out for you. Your wallpaper at home matches the wallpaper on your blog by the way. You've probably noticed.
it is sad when something ends and you have to start doing something different. I hope it won't be as bad as you're expecting though..
broaches are fantastic! I love them and I have some cute ones and am making lots of cat ones to sell.x
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