i had the most beautiful time, full of laughs, good food, amazing ice creams and friends i will love forever. i got up nice and early on monday morning to meet friends to catch the skylink bus to the airport. the flight was fun, and full of laughs. plus i was still reading yes man- by danny wallace. he was making me laugh. when we got to rome, it took us about 45 mins to get to the hotel. i shared with 3 other lovely people. our room was cute. 

after we had un-packed and sorted our room out we went to the colloseum. it was breathtaking, simply stunning!!! i know it sounds a bit geeky, but all i could think of was the movie jumper!! jamie bell...eek!! :)

during my few days in rome, i had so much fun. i don't think i have laughed so much in such a long time. it was great to hang out with old friends. the food was wonderful, the sights were breathtaking, the buildings were grand and the art was amazing.

i did find a really beautiful church. on the railings outside the church was hundreds of padlocks. all these padlocks had peoples names on them. couples names. i thought it must be all the people they may have gotten married in the church, or visitors may have put them there. it was amazing.
i said that i would have an ice cream diary, and i had 4 amazing ice creams, but quite a few flavours, these included cookie dough/biscuit, white ice cream with dark chocolate pieces, coconut, mint (which was very very strong), vanilla lemon, fudge with chocolate pieces, and another version of coconut and mint...with cream! :)
the ceilings and building were beautiful in rome. every church or building held something wonderful. one building i loved was the Pantheon. the Pantheon does not have a roof, so the rain, light, dark and come in. its amazing to look up so high.

other places i enjoyed visiting were the Vatican, the Sistine chapel, and St.Peters.

you're back!!
ok, i made a list:
1. what a breathtaking colloseum photo! & jamie bell! haha yes!
2. lovely photo collage!
3. that's an amazingly cool thing with the locks! i LOVE that idea.
4. ooo ice cream diary! yummy.
5. hehe it's you with red rimmed glasses! i spy nicola!
6. what a cute idea with your converse & floors:]
7. ok ok i think i am done now. bye!
All the buildings look really pretty! And the ice cream looks yummy.
So you haven't watched Lost in Translation, but you have it?!?
That's crazy, you need to see it!
I'm soooo jealous!!! Love your photos and im glad you had fun! The ice-cream diary idea is brilliant too :)
Hopefully im going to Rome this summer.. ooooh, im just incredibly jealous!!!!
Oo Rome, i want to go so much!
I hope you had fun, im determined to go there some day :)
BEAUTIFUL photos! they remind me of my trip to italy last year... i miss it! a daily gelato and taking pictures of it is a must and im glad u did so. glad you had a great time, but how could you not when in italy?
How neat! I'd love to visit Rome someday. Until then, I'll have to live vicariously through other peoples' photos of the place. Which, yours are awesome by the way!
Rome looks so pretty. I love the icecream diary the padlock chruch is intersesting
those sights look amazing, and overwhelming! those padlocks are so romantic, i am in love with them.
ice cream, yummy!
Fabulous post! You've given me the travel bug again - although, to be honest, the bug never really left me in the first place :)
Fantastic pictures, thanks for sharing.
you are so lucky! all of those pictures were breathtaking! how much i wish i was with you !!
oh how exciting! It looks like you had lots of fun :)
oh yes I got your letter!
you are the best!those eyes!!haha
I am now collecting some things to send to you ;)
and I'm happy people are liking my new blog,hooray!
and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the letter/package! It was amazing, I raved about it all day to my friends and family and took about a zillion pictures of it.
I'll be sure to write back soon :) :)
The locks are incredible, what a great picture!
Your trip seemed great.
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