my friends have sadly gone home now..i was very sad this morning. :( but then i realised that it was a beautiful sunny and happy day. i went for a little walk, and i was so happy to see a pretty little tree with pink blossom, and to make it even more magical the wind was blowing and the petals off the tree. oh and i also found a cool tree, which looked like an eye..well i thought it did anyway!eek, also today was a wonderful day because twilight came out on dvd today!! yay happy happy times! although..i can't watch it until tomorrow as i said i would watch it with my sister who also loves it, and she is in London at the moment. oh also this photo was inspired by the lovely lina. I love her dvd/face/photos!! you are awesome lina!! ah i should be doing essay writing at the moment...but i just do not feel like doing it. i think tomorrow will be a good day to start planning out what i need to write. i have written a little...but i need to write more. so i have been drawing again and eating my mums home made orange cake. drawing again has been wonderful. i don't really draw that much now...and i miss it so much. my drawing skills are what got me into uni..well that's what i think anyway, because my portfolio was all drawing. i am not saying i am amazing at drawing..but at that time i didn't do sculpture. so yay...drawing with the most wonderful art material!!!
:o)!! this post made me happy. i got all giddy when you mentioned me & my silly/cool dvd/face photos:] your's is more cool than silly. that tree DOES look like an eye! & i love pretty flowering trees. they calm my soul. i haven't gotten twilight yet:/...even though it has been out in the u.s. since february 21...i have to work on that. have a beautiful week!
I always see trees with lots of eyes on them and it looks so cool
I watched Twilight three times the day I bought it.
I wish the trees would hurry up and get there leaves, bare branches make me saaad :(xx
:o)!! this post made me happy. i got all giddy when you mentioned me & my silly/cool dvd/face photos:] your's is more cool than silly.
that tree DOES look like an eye! & i love pretty flowering trees. they calm my soul.
i haven't gotten twilight yet:/...even though it has been out in the u.s. since february 21...i have to work on that.
have a beautiful week!
Those blossoming trees are beautiful! The trees in my neck of the woods haven't started blooming yet. I wish they'd hurry up!
cherry blossoms - i miss them, all i have here are palm trees lol..
you got dvd then, i need to read book 1st before i can watch the film i think. xx
your tea cup is so pretty!! :)
oh i love the photos of the cherry blossom!
i STILL haven't seen twilight! :O
the pictures in this post were beautiful (: i lovee the trees in the beginning, and your drawings are adorable (:
ooh the cherry blossoms are out! that's fabulous news :)
The pink trees are so pretty.
I love your drawings, and I really need to watch Twilight- I'm worried it won't live up to the books though.
beautiful trees!
beautiful photos!
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