eeeek. my private view was last night. i had a beautiful time, lots of art, drink, friends and family. i was pleased with my work at the show, lots of people seemed to like it, which made me rather happy. lots of small children were laughing and getting exicted to see the birds and rats. for my final piece, i had a large cage full of birds that i had made. there was then two rats outside the cage trying to help the birds escape. the cage was locked, with the keys hanging on a hook on the wall.

i was pleased by what people were saying about my work, as i wasnt really sure how i felt about it. oh and lots of people were taking my postcards i had made. :) my birds were made out of found and everyday objects, i wanted to use them in the creation of creatures. i love to create something new out of the old and used. i really felt like the 'bird' lady, because on the night i wore my red bird dress, with bird pins, and my feather head band. i think people looked at me, and then my work, and then back to me, and realised that they were looking at my work!! hehe. it made me laugh.

these are some close up photos of some of my 'creations'. they are rather odd, and all made out of found and everyday objects. i like the fact people have their own favourites.

after my show i felt rather sad that it was all over, and that i would not see my friends for much longer. my family also had to go back home today, and they took my whole room with them!!! i do not have that much stuff left in my room, all i have i now on my desk, which i need to clean and sort out!!hehe. i treated myself to some cute biscuits while i type on here. :)

i am sitting in on my show tomorrow, to check everything is ok, and i will hopefully walk around and talk to people about what they think of the show. :) so i will take more photos of the whole show for you all to see!! :) speak soon!!
You know i am a fan of your work, i love the idea for your piece! Your next stop is to make 10ft birds! Glad to hear it went down well! I had to help out on the afternoon before my uni's private view and it was fun to see all the third years setting up their spaces! Got me a little nostalgic, reminds me of my days back in art foundation!
Wow, your art looks amazing, Nicola!!
i love your birds!
everything looks great!!
i'm so happy for you:]
maan, i've always wanted a bird dress! love your style:D
i can't really see a close up of the birds, but i think i like (from that photo of six) the two on the left side.
hope you are good.
i'm getting your package together, but if you are moving back home do i send it to a new address? you can email me if it has changed!
Your exhibition looks amazing. I love the detailing with the playing cards on the bird.
You're so creative! Your dress looks really sweet! Red looks so good.
Mmm the cookies look yummy!
And I love your birdcage! I saw the bird made out of cards and fell in love.
i tag you!
woww, congratulations! everything looks so so amazing. you are very very creative.
also those cookies - yum!
that art is seriously so cool! why can't I be creative?! ahah!
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