MyGeekBox is a pretty awesome subscription box. I love surprises, and this box is full of surprises! Each month you receive a themed mystery box filled with super geeky gear. The box also includes a limited edition T-shirt. The theme of the box changes each month. This month's theme was Afterlife. I wasn't sure what to expect from this box, but as Halloween is right around the corner I guessed it might have something to do with it.
The bright blue box arrived in the post, and I couldn't wait to open it. Of course if you couldn't wait for yours to arrive, you can always check the hashtag #mygeekbox and see photos of other people's boxes. But of course, that would ruin the surprise!
The box was filled to the brim with goodies. The first item I found was a blood stained tea towel which I thought was rather funny. Other zombie items were also inside, plus a Dracula puzzle figure. I think my favourite item was the Boo! t-shirt, purely because you can choose your preferred size online when you order your box, so you know it's going to fit. Plus as Halloween is coming up, I will be able to wear this to work for our Halloween dress-up days.

The only downside to this box was that I had hoped for more licensed products like had been in previous boxes. I had secretly wished for a Buffy item, horror movie products or maybe even a Pop! vinyl figure. Sadly this wasn't the case. However the Dracula puzzle will sit proudly on my shelf with my other collectables. He is very cute, even for a mini Dracula. My best friend Sarah is a mega horror nerd and I shall be gifting the zombie themed tea towel and word plate to her. I know she's going to be so excited about that! That's the thing about these boxes, it is all pot luck, you never know what you are going to get. Of course that's part of the charm.
I'm looking forward to sitting down with a good cup of tea and reading the graphic novel that was included in this box. I read a lot of comic books, however I hadn't heard of Twisted Dark.
I'm now off to eat candy corn in my Boo! t-shirt, while I researching what scary movies to watch this weekend.
You can find out more about MyGeekBox on their website!