ah i am still trying to read my very old books about birds and animals for my work..ahhh i just cannot be bother to do reading at the moment...and i hate saying that.

oh wonderful news. in my city at the cinema you can choose a film that you want to play and you can dedicate it to anyone, but you have to pay £150 but you get 30 free tickets, and the public can go as well as they just have to pay for their ticket. you can pick any film, and it gets mentioned in the monthly guide/times for the film on at the cinema. however i feel that it is very expensive, but its a beautiful idea. when i read that people have dedicated certain films for peoples birthday, or just because they wanted too, it melts my heart. when i was in the cinema the other day i looked at the movies for the month that people had paid for, and what did i see, my favourite movie 'Garden State'....my month dropped open. if i could have picked any movie to be played it would have been this one. i never got to see this movie in the cinema. so i am going to go see it. i am very much looking forward to it. even though i have the DVD, i still feel the need to go see it. it will also be cool to see the people that it was put on for. and in this case the movie is: To celebrate Steph's 40th. :D

i was tagged by the beautiful lina to do the show me whats in your bag tag!! how cool! i sorted my bag out the day before, and it would have been more interesting but its not now! :)
i now tag... Lottie, The Psychedelic Schoolgirl, Jane and Looking glass girl. enjoy!!!! :D