I am currently packing for my trip tomorrow. after an early start at work (7am), and finishing at half 1, i am then catching my train at 2ish to Devon to visit my lovely uni pal Laura. we have fun fulled days and nights planned, and the coolest thing is that we are going to see two dancers from strictly come dancing--Brian and Kristina, they are doing a show....if i actually get to meet Brian i think i might faint....eeek. tomorrow at work we have a fundraising day, we have to wear green for our charity NSPCC...hmmm...i thought i had green clothes, but i really don't. however, i found my old green converse (that have yet to be wore properly) in the back of my wardrobe..and i have a black, yellow, purple, green dress i can wear, so at least i will be a little green. next week we are having a bake sale at work to raise more money, so i am looking forward to making cakes. arrgghh i really need to get my sister to cut my fringe (shes a hairdresser) and then get some sleep.

paper heart! i saw that for the first time today with my brother (thank god for a library that has a good selection of dvds). so cute!
enjoy your trip!
sounds like it will be a busy day, but then again busy days are always the best :)
i love your blog, and I will check out paper heart!
have a great time!
Awh have a safe & fun trip! I have the same dymo caption maker (only mines pink & blue haha) and also same date stamp! Love it! I also love bringing all of those stationary with me when I travel! :) Write letters & put packages together it's so lovely! Oh and I have yet to still watch Paper Heart! I really want to see it! Do you recommend it? :)
your sister is a hairdresser? that's awesome.
have a good trip!
eee! what perfect things to pack!! i really must see paper heart soon. it's a shame i haven't! i spy a date stamp JUST LIKE MINE! hehe. i'll be writing a reply to you this week! i finally have a break from school!!!
have fun on your trip!
hey you seem really cool!
And i love Michael Cera too <3
Hope you have an awesome time in devon :) Ive added a link to your blog from mine as a thank you for my first blog award :) ♥ I love reading your blog and you art and photography is AWESOME! xoxo
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