so the weather has been horrible today...rain, rain, and more stupid rain. i had the best lie-in in ages!!! i feel so refreshed now! nipped out for a bit today and got a new waterproof jacket for glasto, new stationary and other bits and pieces. this time next week i will be in the middle of a giant field, super cold, wet, covered in mud, listening to music with my best friends.
today i also spent time putting together packages for far away friends. :) mail-making is so much fun. and drawing...i have not had the time to just sit down and draw. its a wonderful feeling just having time to myself to do what i want. today i have also been watching Pirates of the Caribbean in my room while listening to the rain...which was awesome.
I am not liking this weather either, I don't mind a bit but when it is constant it is very annoying! It is June for goodness sake! Aww, love the little robot :)
Yeah, some people say how much they love the rain, but I am not one of them! I'd much rather have it be lovely and sunny. I'd rather sit outside in the sun and read, haha. :) But ooh, package making! I have to start making mine for Amy's swap..
That robot is sooo cute!! xxx
I hate the rain except that it's a reason to stay indoors and read, or as you mentioned you did today, sit down and draw. Then it's splendid. :)
I am not liking this weather either, I don't mind a bit but when it is constant it is very annoying! It is June for goodness sake!
Aww, love the little robot :)
Yeah, some people say how much they love the rain, but I am not one of them! I'd much rather have it be lovely and sunny. I'd rather sit outside in the sun and read, haha. :) But ooh, package making! I have to start making mine for Amy's swap..
:D :D :D
I love your blog, i have visited it several times, but for some reason (which i cant think of) i have never followed you!
I am a follower now! :)
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