So on the Wednesday of my birthday week, i went to the Harry Potter Studio tour with mum, dad and my sister Victoria. oh my goodness, i had the best day EVER. Honesty, if you are a Harry Potter fan you must go! you walk around and it takes a little while for it all to settle in that its all real! well all the stuff they actually used in the films, and not fake stuff.

I actaully cried quite a few times, just because it was all so beautiful, and being a hard core harry potter fan it was a dream to see everything. its so wonderful to look at the sets and all the props. I also loved the backlot part where you can look at the knightbus, 4 Privet Drive, and the giant chess pieces. ITS ALL TOO BEAUTIFUL TO EXPLAIN. PLUS I TOOK TOO MANY PHOTOS TO TRY AND GET THEM INTO THIS POST, I REALLY WISH I COULD POST THEM ALL....BUT I CANT. It all so wonderful to try and put into words. so much joy indeed.

And walking up Diagon Alley is just awesome...actually walking...awesome. you had to walk up it, instead of walking down it. also going into Dumbledore's office was pretty neat too. Also drinking Butterbear was interesting...they only thing is i have always thought it would be warm. there was so much to look at...kinda spent like 3 hours looking around. PLUS THE GIANT HOGWARTS...ITS BEAUTIFUL, AND SO BREATHTAKING. It was so much fun. Any blogger family members reading this, you must come stay with me and then I can take you.
Oh man. Nicola.
I will visit you.
It might take a year or so, but I'm going to make it happen. Mark my words.
I'm not a big Potterhead myself, but this is awesome! I'm glad you got to go and experience this. Such a great birthday present!
I'm with Lizzi, when I (hopefully) study abroad in Edinburgh in 2014 we will have to meet up and have adventures. I wish I could go to Seattle... <3
P.S. I still haven't forgotten about the various things I have stockpiled to send to you. I need to stop putting it off, but at the same time I am really busy revising for exams and such! I can't even really justify being on blogger and catching up on people's lives! At any rate, I expect to send it to you before the month is out. That's a goal!
As great as Harry Potter World in Florida looks... this looks better. I would give up eating chocolate for a year if it meant I could go there. Mark my words Nicola, one day we will come to you.
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