So ever since I developed my disposable camera, so many memories have been floating around in my head. Shelby asking me to say certain words, Maggie repeating words I had said in a British accent, Mayte making me laugh all the time---like all the time, loving and really listening to Amy and Natalie's voices---because they are just so perfect, Dillion singing while driving his car, and the cute way Lina says my name.
I miss everyone too much. I know we are all so far away from each other...but I hate how far away I am. I can't just get on a short plane ride, or drive to see any of them. I live in another bloody county. It hurts to be away from your family, when all you wanna do it sit together and talk.
I miss you<3
and your awesome accent, thoughts, and everything.
Miss you too Nicola!
One of these trips we'll end up in London. But for the mean time, maybe we can all get a group skype together and chat for a bit.
I never actually got to meet you and I miss you!
As I've said many times before, EVENTUALLY I will visit you in England!
This made me sad. I miss your accent and you repeating words in MY accent, even though my accent is ugly. I just miss you! July cannot come soon enough.
And one day I will get to Europe and we can travel together. And one day you will live in America, just like you've always wanted. Hopefully Austin. I'm just saying.
Love you. <3
awwwww! i love this. lol oh my goodness...i'm blushing about your name haha. oh dear me. miss & love you.
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