Life needs to change for me. Taking steps in the right direction at the moment, it's makes me feel good. And I kinda need that.
Doctor who was brilliant. Saturday's are back to normal now. They feel right. Loved it so much. So many feelings for everyone. Perfect. Perfect.
Missing my far away friends like crazy at the moment. I keep thinking about my trip and a giant smile comes to my mind. So much love.
I know how you feel about friends moving away. But I always love reuniting with them, because everything is just super extra special.
DOCTOR WHO. OMG. It was so beautiful. And wonderful. Ahhh!
I am so confused and intrigued by the most recent Doctor Who episode...
Goodbyes to friends are tough, thankfully we have lots of ways to stay in touch.
You are so cute. I just love you. <3
I hate being faraway friends. Like, sometimes I think about Seattle and I'm like, "That actually happened. I spent five days with these people, slept in the same room as them, shared food, etc. Like, it was real." I have to remind myself.
your bangs look a m a z i n g !!
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