went out for a couple of my friends course fund raising party. and it was a hoot! such a laugh! there was a game, that you had to pay a £1 for and you had to guess how many sweets were in the jar...and i won!! the answer was 162, but i guessed 152!! i was so surprised to win!! :) it was so funny!!
other fun that has happened included getting a wonderful biscuit that was handmade by my lovely friend.
i am getting ready to "drive home for Christmas" with my pal. i cannot wait to go home!! lots of yummy Christmas food, family, my tree, decorations, friends and fun!! i miss my mum and dad so much..its crazy!! i have not been like this before, but i miss them so much. i am looking forward to watching Jingle all the Way with my family when i am home. its my ALL TIME favourite Christmas film, i love everything about it, from start to finish. i love Phil Hartman, who played Ted. he was a true genius. 
i need to take more photos...aaaarggg!! but i am in need of a new memory card...ah and then that means more money..which i do not have. i must take more photos.... :D

"i'm driving home for christmas... woahh i can't wait to see those faces.
driving home for christmaaas, yeh. well i'm moving down the line..." la de daa.
i cannot wait for the journey home with you and my father, listening to christmas songs all the way home... sorry!
have a lovely time eating my biscuits and playing with little red drop.
i love your blog i've been reading it for a year, and i wish u would post more, i love your candid shots of inanimite objects. it is so fully charming.
I love Jingle All The Way! I haven't seen that movie in ages though.
That little critter in the last photo is terribly cute =]
Jingle All the Way is one of the best Christmas movies ever, it's so funny!
Thank you! congratulations on winning the sweets! I'm not sure I've seen that christmas film! :O (shock horror) so I will try to watch it this year :) have a lovely weekend x
also the captcha word verification for this comment is 'hipooper' which made me giggle, I'm so silly for my age.
Whenever I try and guess how many sweets are in the jar, I fail epically. I am always WAAAY off!
I miss you too! (Your blog is looking lovely as usual!) ahh I would love to post, except I've realized that lately I haven't had the time. Christmas break starts in a week and I will certainly post at least once or twice =]
Oh I hope they play Jingle all the way on the telly here soon - I haven't seen that movie since...well last christmas!
congratulations on your winnings! :p
Wow I wish I was lucky enough to have that many sweets! Congratulations on winning! :)xx
hummm i want a heart shape biscuit!! xx
Thanks & nice blog! I'm sorry for the late
reaction, but I didn't read it before ;p. I think you don't know about what I'm talking but oke. (:
haha, it's my family tradition to watch jingle all the way on christmas morning. my dad thinks he IS arnold.
Hey, I was just wondering, did you ever finish The Host?
Happy holidays to you :)
I POSTED! I POSTED! aren't you proud of me? =] thanks for the award, i shall be re-awarding it soon.
by the way, the cupcakes in the post before this look so cool! i wish i were that creative
Beautiful, beautiful shots.
I love jingle all the way!!!
And your sweet pictures always make me smile.
Owls are my favorite animals ever! Well at least when they're cute and friendly looking like your little version!
<3 (encyclo)lydia
The liquorice necklace is soo playful, I love it. And I wana eat it.
xx-LJ from SOS!
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