today i woke up quite early, and went to a boot sale with my lovely friend
Mandy. when we got there, there was not many stalls, (i think that might have been because it was raining really hard this morning) however we did find a few bits and pieces we liked. I found two cute brooches which were £1 each, which i thought was quite good, and i got a tea tin which cost me 50p, and i thought i would be able to fill it with some sort of treasure. :)

after looking round we decided to go for a little drive. the weather was getting better. we stopped to look at some Poppy's. i felt quite happy as i sat in the car and took in the countryside. i guess i have missed it quite alot, since i have been living in a city. it was nice to be back.
I wannt to steal that car. Or maybe buy one just like-I'm not a criminal.
The pieces you purchased have a great antique quality. Like they are holding onto old stories.
Ahhh...nature and grandparents. Nothing more satisfying and soul warming.
I ADORED Beatrix Potter books when I was little!
that car is amazing and your photos are so cute! do you know when 500 days is out? i really cant wait much longer to see it, or her other new film, gigantic xx
WOW, lovely blog and your header is so original :D!
Cute brooches!
Ah, that car is so cool! I wish I had a vintage car like that too.
i love those brooches. so pretty. and that car is amazing. i wish i had one like it.
ps. i love your header. soooo creative
i love those buttons and the car is adorable!
what a cool car! OH so fun.
cute little treasures you found! i like them:] happy days to you my dear.
Those brooches are so nice! I also absolutely adore the first picture of the field. Summer perfection.
those brooches are really beautiful and the tea tin too!
ooh i've never seen that film before! i might have to buy it from hmv soon :) and those bird brooches are so cute!
hello :)
thank you for another photo compliment :)
your boot sale finds are very lovely. I am pretty fond of flowered biscuit tins.
I watched the latest Torchwood episodes that were on last week. But I haven't seen the old ones :S was a bit lost at some points.
I'm going to get the other Torchwood episodes on DVD. I was labouring under the illusion they would be inferior to Doctor Who but I am happy to find I am wrong :)
Love Gwen but Captain Jack... I felt sorry for him. There was no Doctor there to save the day, he had to do it himself and in such a horrid way :(
And poor Ianto :(
take care
Heart the car! Very Harry Potter-esq! Would love it if you'd link to my blog or be a follower
i want that car too! i love old cars like that, and i like even more finding cool stuff randomly. sounds like a great day!
bah, you're being a lot faster about mailing things than i am, thanks to my miscarriage of a package it was SUPER long between your last one and mine!
i look forward to receiving it!!! :D :D
I really love that old car! Such a nice documentation of your day. And your bit about your nan and grandad is making me really really want to visit my grandparents!
that little can is so cute! the pictures of the countryside are beautiful (;
Very nice.I love the collection,Really good set up.Big M blog.
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