1. I want to be a full time artist or tearoom owner.
2. I can't wear contacts because i hate anything to do with eyes, and can't touch my eye.
3. Garden State is my favourite movie..some people do not understand why, they always imagine it should be something comic-book/superhero-ish.
4. ..........(it speaks for itself)
5. My biggest famous crushes include Zachary Quinto and Seth Rogen.
6. I have always wanted a 'real' sock monkey, but have yet to find one. So I have a 'dogs toy'..its rubbish! :(
and 7. I want to leave Britain behind and live in America. I have always wanted to since I was very little, and I have not changed my mind. I want to walk home with my shopping in brown paper bags.
i now want to pass this on to; http://wonderlander-bloggityblog.blogspot.com/ , http://wildtendency.blogspot.com/ , http://gimmesmoothies.blogspot.com/ , http://vampiratewars.blogspot.com/ , http://blair-waldork.blogspot.com/ , http://lookuglyinaphotograph.blogspot.com/ , and http://capn-niknak.blogspot.com/
i was also given this beautiful award by http://sunshineandsparkles.blogspot.com/ thank you ever so much, its so wonderful! :) i will past it on to whoever comments on this post. :)

i was also given this cute award again, but this time from http://wonderlander-bloggityblog.blogspot.com/ 

also another thing i am thinking about is whether or not i should get my fringe back..it grew out, well i grew it out for graduation, and now i think i miss it....hmmmm.

the picture of all your necklaces is brilliant & congrats on all of your awards.
p.s. i think we should switch places, because all i can think about is how much i would LOVE to move from america to england. everything about there intrigues me (:
cute little post! congrats on all the awards, too! that first one is really cute, i love it!
the mint holder thing is pretty awesome, too.
Hope all is well,
Why can't they just release a movie internationally at the same time? It's quite unfair. Advntureland was advertised as more of a comedy but it in actuality it is more of a coming of age story. I enjoyed it immensely!
Thank you for the blog award! Blissful squealing is ensuing at the moment : )
Um, you are TOTALLY fabulous and all it's synonyms!
Garden State is one of my all time favorites as well. It's the movie I most frequently quote.
aww, great facts! my friend really loves garden state too and keeps urging me to see it; i think i will.
Adventureland was shot at the amusement park 20 minutes from my house!! I still haven't seen it yet either, I should probably rent it.
Dude! We have so much in common! I swear, I don't think I've ever met anyone who has a crush on Seth Rogen AND likes Kristen Stewart as an actress and the rad person that she is AND actually likes Twilight. Those three don't usually go hand in hand, but that's amazing! I just thought I'd share that with you. :) Thank you so, so much for the tag! I love your responses, and I can't wait to get on that.
P.S. Dude, I wish so badly I could live in England. So if you want to switch places, that's cool. People won't be able to tell us apart (our interests), I promise! :)
Your posts are so lovely.
I love the mint tin :D
and I agree,
Adventureland looks like such a good movie!
awesome mint tin (:
i looked up the pavilion, it's gorgeous
the teacup and the jewelry is awesome. but that mint tin is just beyond wonderful.
Congrats on the awards, well deserved dear! Me too, can't wait to watch Adventureland...I'm sure i'm going to enjoy the story, plus the quirks! ~xo*
congrats on all the awards and that mint tin is just so cute! and i've not heard of that film, i'll have to go and google it :)
i love the pictures. hard to not say that, cause you really put amazing pictures on your blog. so, dont ever get bored. and thanks for the award, doll :]
but i already did the tag on my previous post.
I like these pics And your Tic Tac blog header.
That mint tin is AMAZING.
you always have the coolest pictures on your blog, sososo interesting. I haven't seen garden state!
that's such a cute mint tin:)
and you have such an awesome collection of necklaces, seriously cool!
p.s. thanks for the sweet comment on my blog...
Congrats on the awards. I love the picture of all your necklaces
I hope you get to US soon. :) Fun list. I remember a Kidrobot toy that was transformed with the "hello my name is" slogan--it was awesome.
Congrats on the awards! I would love to be a tearoom owner, too.
Also, I love the huge mass of necklaces that you have hanging together. They look so cool like that.
Aaah, you should totally open a tea shop. One of my dreams is to open a quaint, old-style bookshop, so I understand your dream. As for your fringe, I've never had a proper fringe, so I say, yes, you should cut it in again. It looks nice.
Oh thank you! It means so much to me! Now just have to think of some interesting things....haha xxx
sorry it's been so long!
frequent commenting on my part has left like the cool breezes this summer :p
congrats on all of the awards!
i l-o-v-e your mint tin! too cool.
i also want to see adventureland. even though i live in a rather large city i tend to never go to the theater to see movies...i end up waiting for them to go to dvd.
hello :)
lovely post! x
i just wanted to tell you that this is my new blog, my old one was loveisnoise,
tell me what you think! :) xxx
haha, i love hello my name stickers. and that is the awesomest looking mint box i've ever seen. the tea cup is beautiful! love your blog! (:
The casing of the mints are so rad.
Your blog is fabulous! "Inside the Cabinet of Wonder" instantly grabbed my interest and then I was sold, on the pictures & your taste in music is awesome too!! : )
yikes nicola 24 comments!!? NICE. miss popular eh? :o)
that is such terrible news about paper heart! makes me sad for you. i hope it does go to england anyways.
i like that brown bag in your photos!
hello my name is stickers!! are those the ones i sent you? :]
love the peace polaroid!
peace & love to you hun.
p.s. just finished putting together your package!
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