mad times have been had. its so nice to come home from a long day at work, and just chill out. we have had super amounts of snow recently, which has been rather super!----however getting to work wise, its not been that great!..or falling over on the ice, which i haven't done yet! but now its raining and the snow is being washed away...i really wanted snow on Christmas day.

i went to see the pet shop boys with J on Monday night in London--as he had a spare ticket. it was amazing, i have always loved the pet shop boys, and to go see them live was FAB. their show was so visual--cube walls, dancers with cubes for heads, and of course their outfits. it was amazing.

apart from that i have been wrapping presents, watching Nick and Norah, taking photos, reading old comics, reading mail from my pen pal Jane, listening to my merry making Xmas cd, going out to dinner with my best friends, going for cups of tea in town, workingworkingworkingworking...in a busy shop at Christmas time, getting my rock paper scissors necklace in the post, and growing my very own Christmas tree.

aah also, me and the wonderful lina, have started our very own blog together, its all for fun, a mini project. please check it out!---i hope you enjoy, we have only just started, but hope to get updating as much as we can!

peace to you all.

I love the Pet Shop Boys, however i was unable to get a ticket due to leaving it too late :( but i'll be receiving the greatest hits album for christmas!
i'll be sure to check the new blog out and can i say the rock, paper scissors necklace is majorly amazing!
oooo! our blog! i'm going to post about it soon. i like that penpal package! what a cool thing she sent you. makes me want to try to make something similar.
I super super love the rock paper scissors necklace that is AMAZING!!! i want one!!!! woweeee!! where's it from!?!
thankyou for the comment you left on my blog.. in reply to.. the one i left.. on yours.. wow... you can tell i'm pretty new at this i don't really know the protocol of when to reply !!
have an awesome christmas, by the way :)
oh and you mentioned nick and norah. i love that film so much!!
Lovely pictures!! I'm just dropping by to wish you a very merry magical wonderful Christmas with your loved ones! Enjoy the holidays:)
Ah! I love the new blog idea! I've definitely added it to my reader =D
love the title of this! great post. have a good christmas xxx
yay that's my letter!
your new blog looks like a good idea!
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