new year, new start. i feel the need to have a sort out. in life as well. a few things have been making me rather confused, you know when you are not sure about something. a few people tell you one thing and a few more people tell you something else...but deep down inside you feel bad because you don't know yourself, and you really should know. ah my head hurts. i don't know what to do.

I hate those moments of confusion and indecision. I hope you find your answer soon! It's especially hard when you're getting conflicting advice from friends and family.
A Doctor Who package!?! 0.0
You are the sweetest thing ever! :)
I don't remember whether or not you have my mailing address, so if you don't send me an e-mail and I'll get it to you.
Hmm...cryptic...but I know how you feel...you need to think about it long and hard and do some searching inside yourself and then see what your gut instinct is...I'm sure you'll find the answer eventually! xxx
PS Sorry I have been away, hope you had a good Christmas and a Happy New Year? xxx
The title of this post reminds me of a great song "Home" by Vanessa Carlton. It is one of my favorites.
I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes I feel like everyone is viewing me the exact opposite of how I view myself and I get lost in trying to decipher who I really am. One of my new years goals is to get to the heart of my being.
I hope you saw my post about your gift. Just making sure you know how much I loved it<3
don't worry, things always work themselves out :)
I've given you an award on my blog :) xxx
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