inside. today was interesting. i have not been feeling that great at the moment. today has consisted of drawings, surprise, singing to myself, writing thank you cards, sad moments, accidents, packing up letters and gifts to send friends in the post, texts, planning trips, work, laughs, Seth Rogen, the office, my room. full stop.

surprise! singing to yourself is always fun.
Nicola darling I hope you start feeling better soon! I hate to hear you are not : (
I love days where I can simply do everything I want to do. I love doing quiet, simple things just like you. Especially singing to myself : ) It always makes me feel better to sing out loud a song that captures how I'm feeling. Other drivers have gawked at me at stoplights because I full on belt songs out in my car with facial expression and hand gestures.
sending you well wishes, happy thoughts, and bright days!
Simple days are the most loved days of all <3
hope your feeling better real soon! soldier on dear ♥
Cheer up goth, I MISS YOU!
- If your going to sing outloud make your singing Glees rendition of the Journey classic!..like me!
I got one of those label makers for xmas, where do you get the different coloured strips for them!?
Oh gosh, I started reading Breaking Dawn last night..I'm already a quarter of the way in...How on earth are they going to make a film out of that! it'll have to be certificate 15 at least!
Naughty Bella & Edward!
hehe xxx
i see a mustache man : )
You have an award :)
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