so went on a mini adventure at the weekend. went to Devon for my lovely friend Laura's birthday. my other lovely friend Claire went as well, which was really nice. the train journeys were not very nice though...everyone seemed to be rushing around at the weekend, trying to get home or to different places. on the Saturday we went laser questing in the woods, it was freezing cold, so cold i thought it would be breathing ice and my hands would crack in to a million pieces. but after a few games we all warmed up. after a lovely chinese takeaway and a little bit of strictly come dancing, like the good old days, we then went out dancing and visiting cute little pubs and cocktail bars.

ah the journey home wasn't the best either. had to stand up all the way home...well, i say stand up. after an hour into the journey once this guy got off, i took his space, and sat on the floor playing the gameboy...Lego batman...and kinda zoned out. it was so nice to get home, because it had been such a cold day. then of course, the next day it snows!! and hasn't really stopped since. works been kinda odd with people that can't get in, and why are people still coming shopping in the giant snow!! i guess its because its Christmas soon. one of my friends has just lost their father. its such a sad time. but sometimes i feel like a rubbish friend because i never know what to say in these situations. all i could say was that i was there if they needed me.

it was my day off today, which was a rather good thing because the snow is super thick today and still falling! i wrapped Christmas presents, listened to Christmas songs, laughed at Michael buble as Justin bieber, wished friends good luck, heard about a few friends being snowed in, wrote letters, and have enjoyed being inside on such a horrible cold day.

whats a fantastic post !! i love the girl of drawing by youuuu <3
oh my goodness so much snowy fun.
I love your blog :)
that snow looks soo nice, it never snows here.
So sorry about your friend :( but I think you are being a good friend by what you said. xx
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