so today was one of those days. you know when you are in a really bad mood, but you really don't know why? yeah...today was one of those days. although when i got home, i had packages from friends waiting for me to open and for them to cheer me up.

i got a package from my friend Charlotte, which included her cute drawings, pictures, a little book she made me, and a wonderful drawing of me.

my other packages were from my friend Laura from uni. her package was filled with postcards, letters, pictures, and a little Lego lady of herself.

i also got a package from Sophia, which included cute jewellery and a awesome corn necklace, a mix cd, drawings, stickers, and other crafty little bits and pieces. i love getting mail.

i brought these for myself the other day...although, i think i am too scared to eat them.

I'm so jealous of your post! I need friends like yours!! So cute x
aww, all of the little packages look so adorable! :) it's always so fun to get actually get things in snail mail nowadays since it's so ~uncommon, haha. and oh my gosh, i haven't had bertie botts every flavor beans for in so long! the last time i ate them i almost threw up...
I loved Bertie Bots when I was younger but I remember they tasted quite strange so good luck on that endeavor :p
ahhh i love this post <3
so glad it got to you ok!! :)
I love the spaghetti and popcorn flavored Bertie Botts! I always trick my friends into eating the nasty ones... :P
I LOVE getting packages in the mail! It always makes me sosososo very happy :)
that's so cute, how'd you get so many mail pals! and i've literally eaten the vomit flavored one....not enjoyable
So jealous of the Bertie Botts every flavour beans!!
wow so many cute colourful packages to open must be so exciting and fun and kind of mysterious since you don't really know what's in them. i'm super envious of those random mails you got, i hope they managed to cheer you up^^
cute packages!! yours is in the process of being put together (finally!!). soon soon : ) & from a new address hehe!
Aw I love those drawings, such lovely lovely things! Makes me want to make lovely packages for everyone :') xxx
Bertie Botts are the best!! But I haven't had them in so long ):
Cute post, jealous of the packages you received!
How fun! Blogging mail is always a surefire way to make a bad day better :)
Bertie Botts are not for the faint of heart. I've had one too many vomit flavored ones to try them again...
I spy a paper crane I folded :3
Hope you're having a lovely day.
I just started blogging again, I've always been quite a fan of all the interesting things you seem to acquire! Can't wait to read more posts!
oh my! I feel like a package like that would brighten *anyone's* day! Love the drawings.
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