Wednesday 13 April 2016

Keep strong it's Spring

So my friend Bunny suggested I talk about Spring for a blog post. When I think about Spring, I always think about my birthday, which happens to be next week. I have decided all I want to do is watch the new Star Wars film and eat pizza. That's my plan. Oh and maybe have some cake, but I can't decide what cake I want.
I'm really enjoying finishing work and the evenings are still so light. I enjoy the long walks with a warm air and seeing all the pretty new flowers beginning to bloom.
I haven't been feeling myself recently. It's hard to explain. I am a happy person and a lucky person. I just need to believe this more, keep going, and keep positive. Life is good. People are good, and the good people stay with you. They shape you, and help you live your life. Hurray for those people, the ones you can't live without. Also, special shout out to my awesome friend Maggie, she posted this photo of one of her doodles. It made me smile. I'm sure she doesn't mind me sharing.

1 comment:

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Beautiful springtime photos, Nicola :)