hello all!!! i am finally finished! i have finished uni! eek!!! it is so scary. i finished yesterday at 4'o'clock..on the dot, while we played 'the final countdown'. friends that i had made in three years were all in the same room, shedding tears, hugs, photo taking, and one giant photo with the whole year, which back in year one was over 100...and now just 68 made it to the end. we all went out last night for drinks and fun. so my work will be marked soon, and then it will all be over. i should hopefully have some pictures up of my final work on my private view night which is the 5th! eek, hopefully it will be a lovely night with my family coming up to see all the art.

so now i am finished i can be on here now!!! yay yay!! i missed my blogs birthday, so i have had my blog for over a year now, and i love it so much. i didn't really know what i was doing when i started but i love it so much. and i am even more happy that people do like to read it, and want to speak to me. thank you all, you are beautiful, and you make me smile everyday. :D

i have not really been up to anything at the moment because of work, so i probably don't have anything that interesting to say. although a funny thing happened to me the other day. at uni we have this section in the studios where people can put bits and bobs, materials, paper, and anything really that they do not need, that someone else could use. its an amazing place :) well i was looking through it the other day and found some Dazed and Confused magazines. these are really odd magazine like back to 2003, i found a Eva green cover and a Franz Ferdinand cover. i picked these up and went back to my space. i was then flicking through the magazines and saw the pictures of Franz. i thought i recognized some of the photos....and then i realised where i had seen these pictures before. in college i had looked through some magazines and found a picture of Alex (which i loved) and photo copied the photo. the photo copy has been on ever wall since college..which would be about 3 years! and now i have the original!!!! eeeek.

now onwards and upwards.
i got tagged by my lovely pen pal
from lina to write about my 5 current obsessions :)
1) Mr Zachary Quinto.....hmm...i have been a little obsessed with him since heroes, right at the start. and even more now. :)

2) after weeks and weeks of waiting for my work to be due in, i got to go see Star Trek today! and yay yay, it was amazing. i loved it so much. funny, breath-taking, and amazing special affects!

3) Kristen Stewart...I LOVE HER! she is beautiful. and i cannot wait to see adventureland! i really really need a games, games, games tshirt.

4) Scott Pilgrim books. i have been re-reading them during spare mins while i have been trying to my work, it has been my salvation during my work. i am going to go buy/or order the 5th book tomorrow.

5) Candy Corn....hmmm its all i can think about at the moment. but i have never ever tried it before. we don't have it over here in the UK. i am going to go to the cool American sweet shop in town tomorrow and buy some, if they have any. although it is so expensive in this shop...aaah.

i now tag
Let Nature Be,
A Drawing Journal,
my paper heart,
The tea drinking english rose, and
drinking in the morning sun- who is new to the blogging world!!! please please check her out! her cute illustrations/comics :)
hopefully i will be back on here tomorrow, if i have something interesting to say that is! peace and love to you all. :)
am i the first comment? If i posted it RIGHT NOW, i would be.
It is fantastic that you are finished! I have years before that, but it actually isn't that far away!
i love your blog, and it's one of the first ones that i ever read, and then i decided that i should make my own.
penpals are so lovely, aren't they? I love to write letters! I may be getting one soon, oooh!
i've actually never had candy corn!
stay awesome!
so many things to comment about!
so here i go:
1. congatulations on finishing! i would so want to go to private view night! but alas i cannot:/
2. love that polaroid.
3. LOVE that photo of the sky & the building...your building??
4. i like that trading section among artists!
5. GREAT 5 obsessions!
7. & STAR TREK!! ...although i haven't seen the new movie yet... but i really want to!
8. candy corn is so good! i can't believe they don't have it in the uk! i wonder if i would be able to send you some...hhmmm...:)
ok, i belive that is all. haha.
have a lovely rest of your week!
oh oh oh!! HELLO?? where are you lina?!?
I agree, Kristen Stewart is amazing!
And happy birthday to your blog too! I greatly enjoy reading and seeing what you are up too. :]
you finished uni! how scary..and exciting!
I can't wait to get your letter
and thanks for the tag <3
well well well, i have tagged/awarded you:]
ahh thankyou very mucho! your blog is a wonder too. keep up the good work!*
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