2. I hate the feel of sponges...yeah i know its really weird. although i am starting to get over my fear of them. i had to help clean our flat kitchen's floor the other day..and i had to use a sponge. haha.
3. Deep down inside of me I long to be an artist...and i know it is possible, but at this point in my life i am not sure.
4. I would rather drink fizzy pop than drink alcohol.
5. I LOVE the gameboy game Pokemon.
6. I keep wanting to cry when i think about David tennant leaving Doctor Who, even though i like Matt smith, who is going to replace him.
7. I want to go camping with friends, like they do in the movies...well maybe not like in horror movies..haha.
8. I want to run away and live in America..right now, without even telling anyone! although, lack of money is a major problem.
9. I wish to be on my 'old people's holiday' right now!
and 10. Right now i wish i was hanging out with my friends...who i miss so much at the moment.
Requirements:- I must thank the person who gave me the award and list their blog and link it- I must list 10 honest things about myself- I must put a copy of The Honest Scrap Logo on my blog.- I must select at least 7 other worthy bloggers & list their links- I must notify the bloggers of the award and hopefully they will follow the above three requirements also.