this morning i went to the post office, and sent away my atc's for an exhibition. eek! i cannot wait to see what ones i get back in trade. i also sent pen pal letters.

i had a lovely day hanging out with just my mum and dad. its really nice. my mum has the week off, so spending more time with her is really nice.

today while in town i got the new dazed and confused magazine as Kristen was on the front. there are such wonderful photos of her inside.

i also got some new twilight photo cards! they are pretty cool, and they brought the geek out in me..the shop assistant just looked at me really weird.

the following set of photos are dedicated to my friend
kay. she knows why! and good luck my dear. i love you!! yay for lots of adventures.

i have also been given this AMAZING award from
lina. thank you very much! it is simply pretty cool. love you lots lina!
In this post, I want to hand out the "Better than ice cream" award to the 3 blogs that for whatever reasons has caught my attention lately. Someone who's blog is inspiring me, someone who has done an exceptional job with their blog or just made me think diffrently about something...
The whole point of the "Better than ice cream" award is for the bloggers who recieve it to then pay it forward to the 3 bloggers who have had that same impact on them. It can even be to the blogger giving it to you, as long as you also give to 2 other bloggers to keep it moving forward!
If you recieve this award more than once, just headline it xthe number of times.
(the purple text is to be included in the blog post when passing this on so it keeps moving). i want to pass this award on to; the ultra cool-
Jesus and his lawyer are coming back..., the beautiful-
wonderlander and last but by no means least-
from lina...i had to give it back to you! love love these blogs!
i've got 3 things to tell you:
1 - YAY young spock ^^
2 - congratilations on the award :D
3 - because of you i cant stop listening to Slow Club. They're amazing.
Thanks! Your photos and drawings are also amazing
oo i love sending stuff out in the mail.
TWILIGHT!!! how excited are you for new moon?
congrats on the award!
Oh My!!!
This is a beautiful song playing, I thought I should tell you. I also need to post things! Lots and lots of things for that matter!
oh god i love being a twilight nerd!
me and my mates can get unbelievably creepy about it. if we see anyone with slighty dark skin or ponytails wer like "omg their from la push", or when we chat to ppl on nights out esp kinda awkward guys wer like "omg are you related to edward cullen?"
i sound like an awful weirdo, but trust me it is hilarious.
great post! x
spending time with our moms is always greaat :) if we get well along with them, of course :) congratulations on your award! the blogs you gave the award to are also awesome. <3
oooo! atcs! i need to send mine to the exhibition soon too!
i LOVE that slow club song!!
you are so sweet, thank you for the award :D
those twilight photocsrds are so cool!
oh, thankyou so much dear! and hehe those hello my name is stickers are so cool, i've always wanted some of them but i dont know where you can buy them!! and i adore all your photos too, and that dazed cover looks really lovely with kristen on the cover ♥
thanks for your comment :) im definitely gonna follow your blog, its wicked. love the music that plays on it. XX
ooh i well want to buy dazed so i can read her interview!
oh & i tagged you for an award on my blog x x
You're blog is fantastic! Your ability to take pictures of ordinary things and make them look incredible is a great talent! Keep up the amazing work :)
ps: Congrats on your award!
Oh thankyouthanktyouthankyou! It means alot to me getting an award from you!
Wonderlander xx
Thankyou so much for your beautiful comment that you took your time to write to me...
You know I've never gotten a comment so sweet and appreciative of my blog...I have to say it's quite an honour to get such a comment from an experienced blogger as yourself. Thankyou again,
with love, Aimée xxx
I've passed the award back to you lovely Nicola!
ahaha, is that Spock I see?
oh wow, the song on your blog just started playing and it's really really catchy!
your blog is so utterly lovely.
congratulations on the award! it's one of the cutest i've ever seen :)
i love the new music on your blog!
K. Stewart can do no wrong in my book. Every akward moment or unwashed strand of hair only adds to her beauty and makes me love her more.
As I read about you purchasing Twilight postcards I glance over and see my Twilight bag that I never carry out of the house. I need to fly my Twi-geek flag.
Congrats on your award! If someone told me, "Kait, you can either have this big bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream or read Nicola's blog." I would totally pick your blog : )
First picture: lovin' Spock and the photobooth photos of Rob and Kristen. Love.
what are atc's?
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