so last night i sat in my room rather late staring at the walls as i couldn't sleep! ahhh its driving me crazy. i get ready for bed, get into bed...and then i can't sleep. i try reading, and that used to make me sleepy, but its doesn't anymore....

I had to get up early this morning, me and mum did at boot sale to raise some money for our holiday in September, as every little bit counts. it was sooo hot today! and standing in one spot in the sun all day does take it out of you.

we raised quite a bit! and i sold lots of stuff..although i did end up buying a couple of DVDs. i had a chat with the stall holders, as they were selling everything they had so they could go to Australia. I thought that was amazing, packing up and selling everything you own so you could escape to where you wanted to go...wonderful! i hope they have a brilliant time.

i also received a wonderful letter from Jane the other day! thank you very much Jane , it was simply fab!

i am also very happy to say that i have been given two awards! :) the first one is from
{sprinkle} tiaras atop our pastel hair;;, wow thank you very much for this lovely award!

i would like to now pass this on to the FAB;
wild tendency, the amazing;
from lina, the arty;
a drawing journal and the wonderful;
My pointe of view.
i was also given this award by
lina! oh its rather cute! thank you buddy! :)

i now want to pass this on to; Vampirate wars, Looking glass girl, Looking through mauve-colored glasses and peculiar tallulah.
i hope everyone is wonderful! and yay for Jessica Ennis won heptathlon gold at the World Athletics Championships in Berlin!!!!! wahoo!
Glad your sale was a success. I have the same lamp.
I can totally relate to not sleeping. I find that if you watch a movie that will make you cry every time (mine is Edward ScissorHands) and then once you've (finally) stopped crying, you are exhausted. Thankyou for the comment!
i cannot fall asleep until 1am. so that kind of sucks.
that cupcake looks delicious and pleasantville is an awesome movie. lol.
ps. i'll check my email right away.
Ahhhh, thanks for the award!!! :D
oh dear, this post is just dainty! i love the lamp; it looks ever so warm and flowery♥
oh thanks a lot sweetie :D
I like that movie Pleasantville! we had to watch it for english about 5 times haha
Congratulations on the awards! I couldn't sleep last night either...weird! My mind was so awake! Love the skeleton and which car boot did you go to - it sounds like it was a good one! Love car boots! xxx
I hate not being able to sleep! And I need to sell things, I really do, I have a massive amount of clutter to get rid of.
a very pretty lamp! i love your room. and it look so neat now.
i also hate night. where i should go sleep, cause its hard to do. idk why its easier to sleep at noon than night for me.
hello :)
thank you very much for the award it's lovely :D I'm glad you like the Twilight pictures, they're absolutely gorgeaus aren't they? I've printed some out to stick up on my wall. Some of them are old but the Bella/Jacob ones are brand new from Entertainment Weekly.About the artist cards, I had to go out and buy paper as stocks were low, so watch this space :)
man that boot sale looks so good!! i want to go! 21 is such a fun movie i really liked it. & pleasantville is good too! but i don't think i ever sat down & watched the whole thing at once. thanks for the award!! it's really cute :] oh! & it looks like jane sends amazing packages! i like the face. hehe.
You're not the only one, to be quite honest. I've succumbed to suffering the same fate each and every night. I think I'm tired, then the lights go out, and I simply lie there, a million crazy thoughts spinning through my mind, and no sleep to be found. Like you, reading used to make me sleepy...not anymore.
That cupcake may work for me...though it appears to pretty to eat. :)
Awww thank you!
I will post it as soon as I've the chance :)
Ah so great. me too. I always sleep at like, 5?! :/
it's really annoying when we can't fall asleep. sometimes nothing helps, we just have to stay awake until the sleep comes :(
congratulations for your awards dear! they're well-deserved :)
oh and thank you for your sweet comment ♥
Have a look lol
those nights are the worst, when you get in bed and just cannot sleep but you are so so tired!
lately i have been so so tired but from my own fault - i've been staying up until the sun is almost out again and then getting up only three or four short hours later! it finally caught up to me, and last night i slept for ages and woke up late! hopefully you get some better night's sleep soon.
that cupcake looks delish and the little red glitter roofed house is darling!
hope you're well, xx
I admire people who give up everything to start a new life as well. It takes alot of courage to jump into the unknown like that. I wish them the best on their journey to Australia as well! Even though I don't know them, lol.
I cannot sleep well lately either. I find myself reading for hours before sleep ever creeps up on me and even then it's mainly beause my eyes are just tired! I think too much at night..it's annoying!
I'm glad your sale went well! Where are going for holiday?
Thank your SO much for the award! I am pleased beyond belief : D
Oh and I would love to exhange postcards. I love any and all kinds. My email is kaitbegreat at gmail.com if you would like to exhange adresses!
I'm a little bit insomnia myself..
glad you sold quite a bit! yes every single dingle penny counts because all in the end it all adds up :) we were thinking about having a yard sale as we've got too much junk in our house, fingers cross people like to buy our junk =S
- anyways I'm in love with your blog! I love every single picture :)
P.S I love lamp!
hope you have a wonderful day x
seems to me that a lot of awards have been floating around lately because i have just given you another one... :]
Dude 21 and Pleasantville! Such rad movies. I wish that I could pack up and move to Australia this instant. I want to visit so badly... And aww thank you so much for the buddy award!! :)
Thank you, thank you. That's a lovely thought!
pleasantville is an awesome movie.
I enjoy the cupcake and I ahte hwen I can't fall asleep... but that is very very rare.
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