1. I wish i was smart.
2. I will never eat chewing gum again.
3. My greatest regret is that I didn't get to know my grandad and my uncle really well, as they died when i was very young.
4. I feel as if i am the best friend in my own life, rather than the leading lady. It sucks..but i think i am getting used to it now.
5. When i go to bed, i try to set up stories in my head, in hope of dreaming about them.
6. I miss my old job.
7. I want a hug.
8. I wish i knew how to play the guitar.
9. I am starting to like who i am.
10. I enjoy having pen pals so much, words cannot explain.
10. I enjoy having pen pals so much, words cannot explain.
OK, i now tag...wild tendency, from lina, Wonderlander, Momo Monroe's Diary, paperclips&p..., The Pink Panda, toujours❤❤, raindrops and rosepetals, {sprinkle} tiaras atop our pastel hair;; and The Curious Cat.
i also got given an award by the fantastic Ines and the wonderful My Pointe Of View. this award requires me to tell you 10 useless facts about me/interesting.
OK here goes..again...

1. I want a comic book loving boyfriend.
2. I like to write letters to famous people.
3. I enjoy sitting in the dark listening to music.
4. I collect ticket stubs.
5. I am obsessed with buying magazines...and keeping them in mint condition.
6. Series 2 of Flight of the Conchords is always playing in my room.
7. I love going to the cinema on my own.
8. I LOVE toys.
9. I take my tea with milk and no sugar.
10. I love to decorate cakes.
i now award/tag; i had quite a few to tag, but people have already tagged them! hehe. i award; LUCY IN THE SKY., honey bees and cherry trees, little love, Style Fashion Vintage Baby, Some Kind of Wonderful, Quenchant of the Curious, sparkly stars, OhLove., Look Ugly in a Photograph and ~*~ peculiar tallulah ~*~.
ah after that wonderful tagging-fest, just to leave you with something special. recently i have been rather obsessed with Ace of Cakes...really really bad. and my new crush is Geoff Manthorn from Ace of Cakes. eek hes fab. i just found this video of him..oh i love him!
thankyou so much for the award!!! I have added you to my blog roll under "inspiration" because you and your blog are so inspiring xxxxxx
Hey, thanks for the award/tagging me! I love it when that happens - spreading the love! I will endeavor to pass it on soon before the week is out! The wedding you went to looks lovely and I'm not sure who that actor is on the right - from the Inbetweeners but I saw him the other day as I was walking down the road - small world eh? I also wish I knew how to play the guitar (I have one but need lessons!) and I also think of stuff I'd like to dream about before going to bed! xxx
PS I like the song too!
Pretty awards :) I like your taste in music...and that photo with the teacups and pots; absolutely beautiful :)
I love your blog! It's so real and honest and cute.
i love those pictures. it looks like such an English wedding.
ps. thanks for the award :) you are too sweet. i'm def mention it in my next post :)
ps. i love all the pictures before the wedding pics as well. so pretty.
ooh i love the song that is playing on the background of your blog. who is it? and what song?
and i want that teapot!!
those teacups look so cute! xx
what a lovely wedding! i love weddings so much.
i do the same thing as you on honest scrap #5!!! hehe.
thank you for the award : ).
i'm not sure if i told you, but i got your letter! i'll post about it soon.
awesome photos!
i just went to a wedding two weekends ago and it was fabulous. I LOVE weddings<3
oh, that shop with all the lovely teapots and plates in looks so pretty! i wish i could visit a shop like that ♥
Ahh! I love Ace Of Cakes. I'm not a huge "reality tv" person but Ace Of Cakes and LA Ink I will watch over and over.
Back from my camping and you've made me grin like a small child with a chuppa chupp! Thank you sweet Nicola for the award/tag! Better get thinking *scratches head*
Ace of cakes looks...erm, well, ACE!Like pimp my ride for cakes!
That Geoff video made my day! I love Ace of Cakes. I think Mary Alice is my idea of the coolest girl ever. She's so unique and funny!
Your cousins whole outfit was lovely! I especially loved the veil. It was a perfect balance of classic yet modern. Congrats to her and her husband!
I would easily give you a hug if I was in hugging distance. I'm sending you a mental hug right now. Let me know if you feel it!
I just realized at the bottom of your blog it says, "I need another human moment." I love you even more for this. That line crosses my mind randomnly when I'm showering or eating.
I love going to the cinema alone! Most people wouldn't think that statement deserves an exclamation mark, but it does.
I want hot cup of tea from that lovely pot!
Thank you thank you thank you for the award!<3
I love Goeff too!
I really like that teapot, and that wedding looks really lovely :)
penpals are fun to have, I agree!
That teapot shop look adorable!
somewhere you could spend all day in :)
And your aunts wedding looked beautiful! hope you all had a great day.
Oh- also, spotted your Help! CD there.NICE.
Thanks for the award darlin' !
your very kiiiiind. XX
What a beautiful new song you have on your profile :)
So..I was looking through the paper this morning and saw an offer on at sainsburys for the Twilight DVD (£6)..After seeing harry potter last night (the one with hot guy from twilight)...I'm really tempted to buy because he is so rediculously good looking.
do you think this is a good idea? is it good viewing?
Lovely, lovely images. I really like the first one of the church.
I left you an award on my blog! :)
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