i stepped out of the door today and was greeted by the rain, dark clouds, wind, beautiful coloured orange leaves, and an amazing spider web covered in droplets of rain. went to do the weekly food shop with my dad which was a laugh, other highlights include getting a pint of milk with a hole in the bottle...fun times. for lunch, as it was rather cold outside i had hot soup with the most wonderful bread.

so i am sitting at home, now waiting for my sister to get in from her trip to Barcelona. i have missed her alot, and its only been a few days. i miss going on adventures, and hanging out with new people. hopefully something will come up soon.

the nights are drawing in, and its getting colder. i do like Autumn/Winter time. i always love sitting on the sofa with hot tea, watching old movies or TV programmes. i have to admit i did not watch true blood when it first came out, the first series is being aired over here at the moment, and i watched the first episode the other day, and really liked it. its rather odd, but i am still getting used to it. i really like Anna Paquin, i think she is amazing. i am also still
completely in love with the office; an American workplace. ah i think its fab. i am in love with Jim and Pam. i love John Krasinski so much, and it breaks my heart i couldn't see Away we go at my cinema as they have stopped showing it...ah how i hate waiting for DVDs to come out. ah and also in the Autumn/Winter its time to wrap up and keep warm. i am truly in love with the gap ad with john in.