Sunday, 31 May 2009
flick flick, write write
Saturday, 30 May 2009
summer dreaming in the sun
hello all!! just a quick note, if you have time you should check out; its the official website for my fine art degree show! have a look at other wonderful artists on my course, and check me out! just look for nicola! :)
the sky was ever so blue today. it was so hot as well. i went to the park again with friends. after the sun we decided to have a roof top bar-b-q again. the weather was really warm and the sky was even more blue, with not a cloud to be seen.
while on the roof, i found a cute bird shell. 
i am currently still dreaming about new ray-ban glasses..which i want and need so badly!! however i need to get a job, and save money..but i WILL get them...and i have also been dreaming about Robert...

ray-ban photo from google, Robert pattinson photo from here:

Friday, 29 May 2009
mr sun and mr blue sky
Thursday, 28 May 2009
fun filled day of nothing-ness...

this is a happy childhood award from lina, it is part of a tag as well where you are to show photos of childhood memories.
hmm i do not seem to remember much from my childhood, but a few certain things always come to mind. kinder eggs- the first time i had a kinder egg was back when i was little and i went on holiday with my family. we stayed in this cute flat in a seaside town. we found some small old toys on a shelf and we didn't know what they were. once we found out they were kinder eggs toys, my grandad brought me one every day while we were at the flat from the shop underneath. and i have loved them ever since. and i still have them now, and it will always. other memories are a viewmaster, Polly pockets, and video tapes. (first 3 images are from google, and the last one from Winklepower) 

i now tag Looking Through Mauve-Colored Glasses, The tea drinking english rose, Tic-Tac-Tomato, and secret ginger.

oh.. and lastly i needed to add this photo to the post....hotness. (sorry i am not sure where this photo is from!!) 

scott pilgrim,
zachary quinto
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
final countdown is over!
i got tagged by my lovely pen pal from lina to write about my 5 current obsessions :)
1) Mr Zachary Quinto.....hmm...i have been a little obsessed with him since heroes, right at the start. and even more now. :)

while i have not been on here, i got an AMAZING award from The tea drinking english rose. i will now give this to secret ginger, from lina and drinking in the morning sun who i would love to drink lemonade with right now. :)

Thursday, 7 May 2009
not long now..
Saturday, 2 May 2009
sun outside, sun inside the photos consist of stars like Seth rogen, Jason segel, Jonah hill, Paul rudd, Bill hader, Anna faris, Jason bateman Leslie mann and many more. all of which i love. i should of wrote about this before, but i found myself picking up my copy today and having a look through. :) comedy is great. Seth rogen is my all time crush.

charity shops,
pen friends,
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