1. I want to be a full time artist or tearoom owner.
2. I can't wear contacts because i hate anything to do with eyes, and can't touch my eye.
3. Garden State is my favourite movie..some people do not understand why, they always imagine it should be something comic-book/superhero-ish.
4. ..........(it speaks for itself)
5. My biggest famous crushes include Zachary Quinto and Seth Rogen.
6. I have always wanted a 'real' sock monkey, but have yet to find one. So I have a 'dogs toy'..its rubbish! :(
and 7. I want to leave Britain behind and live in America. I have always wanted to since I was very little, and I have not changed my mind. I want to walk home with my shopping in brown paper bags.
i now want to pass this on to; http://wonderlander-bloggityblog.blogspot.com/ , http://wildtendency.blogspot.com/ , http://gimmesmoothies.blogspot.com/ , http://vampiratewars.blogspot.com/ , http://blair-waldork.blogspot.com/ , http://lookuglyinaphotograph.blogspot.com/ , and http://capn-niknak.blogspot.com/
i was also given this beautiful award by http://sunshineandsparkles.blogspot.com/ thank you ever so much, its so wonderful! :) i will past it on to whoever comments on this post. :)

i was also given this cute award again, but this time from http://wonderlander-bloggityblog.blogspot.com/ 

also another thing i am thinking about is whether or not i should get my fringe back..it grew out, well i grew it out for graduation, and now i think i miss it....hmmmm.