arrggggghhhh trains!!!!!------blah. i used to love trains, not after yesterday. i know the weather was horrible yesterday, very horrible. well, on my way to visit my friends in Brighton yesterday the train was delayed, then the train hit a tree!!---we had to stop while the driver checked the train was alright, then stopped at Lewes, and had to get off at Lewes and wait for another train to get to Brighton...which was only one stop away! plus got super wet! and even more late! i felt super bad as one of my friends had come to the station to pick me up, and she waited for ages for me to get in! anyway, once i finally got there, it was lovely to see Mandy and Claire and their super happy faces. we did quite abit, went shopping down the lanes, had the most AMAZING burger in this awesome restaurant, went for hot chocolate, talked about good times, bad times, and up coming adventures, had pancakes, walked in the rain and super strong wind, it was great. just what i needed.

so then, had to get the train home, which was also delayed...and took forever. you know when you are kinda in your own world on the train, listening to music, and writing/drawing in your journal, and after a while you look up and see that there is NO ONE AROUND AT ALL, you feel as if you are on your own on the train, alone, with the ticket guy coming around all the time trying to have a conversation with you because you are the only person in the carriage...yeah..thats creepy. well, before i was alone, there was such a super cute hot guy on the train, awesome beard, great giant hair, cute glasses, cute backpack, great trainers, make your knees-weak smile..yes, he did smile at me alot, which was rather nice...maybe he thought i was weird drawing in my journal...because the guy sitting opposite me did. although, i could smell alcohol on his breath, and thought he was gonna be sick on me at every bump the train went over.
train journeys always make me think, normally because i am on them on my own. i just need to get on with stuff, forget certain things and go with the flow. oh yeah, my 'find of the day' was 'eggnog bubblegum'...that screams awesome right?