today i was starting to think about what i will want to do with my life after uni. i would love to move away to London maybe, or stay in Nottingham (where i go to uni at the moment), i have this silly idea that i really want to rent with friends, and care on with something arty....hmmm...i am doing a fine art degree...and i am not sure what to do with it....do i 1) become an artist??? or 2) do something in the artistic friend....i know it sounds kinda silly but i always wanted to work for Disney, or something in the animation field. ah i am not sure at the moment.....
anyway, today while i was thinking about my work, my dad said something about you need to move your old portfolio from the spare room to your room. i went to to move it, and ended up looking at the work that i showed to get into uni....wow, it seems like such a long time ago...i have not really done much drawing recently..which makes me sad..but when i looked at my old drawings, i felt so happy and wanted to draw again...these are some sections of them...i know they look kinda scary, but its what i was doing about 3 years ago!!!

my friend got back from Paris today, i am am really looking forward to seeing her!!! most of my friends from work are going to see Batman on Sunday, which i am really really looking forward to seeing!! i cannot wait!!

today i spent a lot of time with my dad as mum and sister were at work...he started telling me about all his cactus's...i nearly feel asleep :)

that artwork is SO great! i really, really love it.
i was thinking about what i want to do after college too! (i SO wish i could get away with calling it uni...but i think i'd just get strange looks...) it's quite exciting planning stuff isn't it? very scary too...haha!
Wow, you're great at drawing!
Mmm, good ol' cactus fun!
But the painting is AMAZING, VERY VERY cool, soooo impressed im like gushing here so im gona stop before i get carried away :)
Carry on with the style you got, deffo work with Disney - the next Tim Burton? Wow, that would be cool, like work on props for films and stuff...
Your artwork is AMAZING, creepy but good.
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