wahooo, i got my book today, nick and norah's infinite playlist!! i have read the first chapter and i am already in love. as i have said before the book is about a guy who sees his ex girlfriend with a guy and he turns to this girl and asked her, "I know this is going to sound strange, but would you mind being my girlfriend for the next five minutes?"...fab start, can't wait to keep reading.

...hmmm...i seem to be missing a couple of my rings...but i really can't find them..and its so annoying!!!!!! i have looked all through my stuff...but still can't find them. don't you just hate it when you can't find something!!?!?! :)

i was sitting at my desk reading my book just looking at the little bits and bobs on my wall. because i have a room at uni, its got all my up to date bits and pieces, drawings, notes, pictures, random stuff on the walls. but when i look at these, they seem so old...and such a long time ago. i really don't know where the time has gone...
I love all the tid bits on your wall. I must post some pictures of my room...since it's all eye candy too :)
Eek! Those rings! So much cooler than my crappy collection.
I'll add your link now :)
and I'll check out the book!
Your wall looks a bit like the wall over my desk at home. Everything inspiring, funny, beautiful, eye catching or just strange goes up! What fun!
sounds like a cool book. I love your rings!
ooh love your wall! and that book sounds good! you should post more about it!
Your rings are awesome! Nick and Nora (different spelling) always reminds me of "the Thin Man" movies...which are brilliant!
I am so anxious to see the Nick and Norah movie.
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