my sister loved her presents, and was very happy. i then had to go to work, very early. when i got to work i could see my friends from the night before were very sleepy..haha, it was very funny.
after work i got to catch up with my wonderful friends (who i love very much). my friend The tea drinking english rose gave me this very cool thimble from her holiday in wales. i love why she got it for me. she got it for me because it reminded her of Juno, and Juno is one of my all time favourite movies, and she knew i would love it....and i do!! so thank you very much. also check out her blog, she hasn't been doing it very long, but she is sooooo amazing at it, she always knows just what to say, post, and she got me into doing it, and her blog is one of the greatest around!! check her out!!! :)

also for a little present for my sister, she has been going on and on and on about how she wanted some really cool cupcakes, but cannot find any...she loved my mint chocolate one i got along time ago in London, and has always wanted one since..... of course, i cannot do anything as good as that, but i did make her these, and she loved them, the smile on her face was magical.

oh god it's so nice ! all those cakes ! grrr im hungry now
ooh, pink cupcakes!
Oh my goodness.... CUPCAKES!!!!! and there so pretty
everything looks so delectable.
hmmmmm! i love cupcakes!
those cupcakes are sooo pretty - they look like little fairy cakes!
Beautiful cupcakes! You have inspired me to go off and make some of my own!Also I didn't know you were friends with The Tea Drinking English Rose!You two must make an awesome blog pair!
wow did you make that cakes and cupcakes?!
their so cute! better for deco as for eating XD haha
love it!
and thank you for your comment :D
hope to see you again ;)
love, alice
Those cupcakes look amazing. Birthdays are so fun!
you have just made me completely smile. my day was rather sad, now it's not.
and i want one of those!
Movienight with friends is great, I sort of did something similar today. Those cupcakes are so cute, the frosting is really nice. I want cupcakes with frosting, the ones standing in our kitchen right now are without frosting.
those cupcakes look so yummy!
i want those cupcakes
they are like my favorite thing ever..haha cute photos!
lovely, lovely pictures! mmm those cupcakes look perfect. and that thimble is SO cute- and very juno-esque indeed!
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