went to work in the afternoon today. it was really wet and cold at work. people kept coming in and saying its too hot in this store..while we were all freezing!! :D

last night i watched once. it has been a few weeks since i said that i was going to watch it, and i finally got round to it. it was wonderful, an amazing film. the music and the actors are lovely. the "guy" and "girl" as they are called, fit together in a odd way, two souls looking for happiness. the ending was not as i thought would happen, however it was good. well worth a watch if you have not already seen it.

i was planning to go out tonight with friends, but the weather was not very nice so i changed my mind. all you want to do on a cold rainy night is curl up on the sofa and have a nice cup of tea and watch a couple of movies...hmm i think tonight i will watch my
all time favourite movie in the whole world Garden State. i am sure you all know the story of the film; A quietly troubled young man returns home for his mother's funeral after being estranged from his family for a decade, and the old friends he meets and the new ones he makes. i love Natalie Portman so much, she always makes me smile in this movie, her oddness and her weird little ways make her so beautiful. Zach Braff is wonderful as well. plus the soundtrack to the film is amazing, the shins are my favourite band, and it is so true what Natalie Portman says in the movie; "..you gotta hear this one song, it will change your life" It doesn't get any better than that :D

Once is so so so so amazing. i just cant get enough of the music. and i totally LOVE garden state too! as for your question...i couldn't even tell you! i just...dig around a lot! haha! oh and i love your new banner thingy btw, so cute.
Ooh i wouldnt mind seeing Once.. hm.. could buy it..
I loved Garden State!!!! It wasnt what i expected when i first watched it but i loved it straight away!
The new banner is really cool indeed, the writing on tictacs.. someones getting ever so slightly addicted to tictac writing... but Betsey pretty much said everything i wanted to say really :)
I have the sound track to the movie Once, and I fell in love with it, the music is so beautiful!
Garden state is such a lovely film!
natalie portman and zack brath(I believe thats his last name) did a wonderful job in the film. Zack is hilarious on Scrubs!
ONCE! GARDEN STATE! If I don't love you already, I do for your movie selection :)
Curling up with tea sounds nice, but personally I prefer caffe latte.
garden state was magical, but but really made it for me was the soundtrack - its beautiful and reminds me off getting together with my boyfriend when he would play the soundtrack a lot - sweet ^_^
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