today started off alright, the weather was really nice today. not too sunny, but still it was warm in the air. i just did little jobs today like getting in some food shopping and cleaning the kitchen. ah it took me quite a while, but it was kinda fun in a weird way. it is nice to have a good old clean sometimes.
then spent the next couple of hours really looking forward to watching Doctor Who; Silence in the Library. wahoo another Steven Moffat story! he brought us the terrifying weeping angels in Blink and the spooky gas mask-wearers in The Empty Child...and also he is going to be taking over as the shows lead writer in 2010. And it was good this week!! back to the real scariness of Doctor Who, like the old days.
"I never land on a Sunday- Sundays are boring!"- The Doctor

After Doctor Who, i ended up chilling out for a bit, and then went out with my friend. She needed to take photos for her project, so we walked around town in the dark looking for forgotten places and maybe even creepy places...i took some pictures just because we were out and about...of a few places we went...

Is it me, or is the little menu sign holder thing.. kinda cute but kinda scary? Just like walking home at night and it pops out of nowhere... but it's 10foot. And dribbling and it's eyes are red..
..yeah i thought it looked kinda odd....the wrong kinda odd. a bit creepy!!!
Doctor Who....
Best. Episode. Ever.
Great blog....
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